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Farouk Mohamed Basouny
Personal Data
Fame Name : Farouk Basouny
Birth date : 24/2/1951
Date of death : //1998
Activities : Painting

- BA of Fine Arts
- MA in History of Art 1983
- PhD of Philosophy in building the Artistic work
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Alumni
- Member of Writers and Artists Association at Cairo Atelier
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- Member of Association of Al-Ghury Artists
- Member of the National Association of Fine Arts
-Member of Prepartion Committee of the diamond jubilee of Fine Arts
- Member of Conference (The Egyptian Character in Art) - Menia University
- Member of Jury Committee - Competition of Children Arts
- Board member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Painting Instructor in Faculty of Fine Arts
- Critique in Al-Masaa newspaper and the Weekly Culture and Writer magazines
- Editor Secretary of Culture Magazine 77:1978
- Editor Secretary of Writer Magazine 79:1980
Places of interest
- Cairo
Solo shows
- Nile gallery in Art city 1968 .
- Gallery of Drawing professor League 1969
- Art Library in Cairo 1970 .
- Cairo Atelier 1971,1973 .
- Tashicofiski gallery - Cairo 1976 .
- Geothe Institute in Cairo 1976,1980 .
- The Soviet Cultural Center - Alexandria 1976 .
- The Chic Cultural Center - Cairo 1977 .
- Akhenaton gallery - Cairo 1979,1981 .
- Hurghada Culture Palace - Red Sea 1981
- Port Said Culture Palace 1981
- Suez Culture Palace 1981
- Al-Mashrabiya - Al-Ghury artists 1981.
- Al-Salam gallery - Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace 1983 .
- Akhenaton gallery 1 - Al-Horreya Culture Palace - Alexandria 1984 .
- Akhenaton 1 - Al-Musafer Khana Palace 1986 .
- Akhenaton 4 -1990 .
- Akhenaton in Zamalek 1995 .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of the Youth Artists - Korncih Al-Nile 1968
- Joint exhibition in Gamalia Culture Center 1969
- Exhibition of Youth artists in Geotha 1972
- 5th General exhibition of Fine Arts 1973
- Joint exhibition with 2 children at Qasr Al-Nile Culture Palace 1975
- Joint exhibition in the American University 1976
- 15th Spring exhibition 1976
- 17th Spring exhibition 1978
- 18th Spring exhibition 1979
- 8th and 10th General exhibition of Fine Arts 1976,1978
-19th Spring exhibition 1980
- Exhibition of Association of Al-Ghury Artists 1980
- 21st Pioneers exhibition 1981
- Drawing exhibition in Mashrabiya gallery 1981
- 11th General exhibition of Fine Arts 1981
- Exhibition of Al-Guury artists 1981
- Salon of the National Association 1981
- 1st Egypt`s Salon in Alexandria 1981
- Exhibition of Association of Al-Ghury artists 1982
- 12th General exhibition of Fine Arts 1982
- The Annual Salon of the National Association 1983
- Ostraca gallery in Alexandria 1983
- 21st and 24th Exhibition of the diamond feast of Fine Arts 1990,1995
- Joint exhibition in Arts Center 1994
- Collective exhibition in Arts Center - Zamalek 1995
- Drawing exhibition in Museum of Modern Art .
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian Art .
- Exhibition of the National Association of Fine Arts .
- Exhibition of Association of Hertiage and Nature Lovers .
- 3rd Exhibition of Artists of Ain Shams University .
- Spring exhibition in Alexandria .
- Exhibition of Mini piece .
- Exhibition of 5 artists .
- Motherhood exhibition .
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of the Modern Egyptian Art in Italy , Sudan 1977
- Exhibition of the Youth artists in the Western Germany 1979
- Exhibition of Paris Salon 1981
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian Art in Austria 1982, Germany 1983
- Alexandria Biennale 1984
- Inetrnational Drawing Triennal in the Western Germany 1985
- He was charged by the authority of inquiries to write a book on artist Gazebia Serry.
Publications and activities
-1565 article and lecture in Art in all the Arab and Egyptian magazines
- Has writtings in Arts
- Published bood about Artist Ghazabia Serry and book about artist Bicaso - Al-Shrouk House
Local recognition
- Painting prize in May exhibition
- 3rd prize - Youth exhibition 1979 .
- prize in painting - May exhibition 1980 .
- 1st painting prize in 21st Pioneers exhibition 1981 .
- Prize of Merit in 21st General exhibition 1981-1982 .
- 2nd Critique prize for book (Birth of the Modern Egyptian Painting Art) 1983 .
- Prize of Merit in Painting - Shawky and Hafez competition .
Farouk Basiouny is characterized by one of the most important feature to be found in an artist which is `unity`. Unity between the work of art and the artist which in turn is unity between the artistic image and the culture of its creator, in a way that does not appear as dualism between the image and the rational awareness of its creator.
So as when we see the work of art as if we are seeing the artist himself with his culture, presence, vibrations, movement in the air, and his body frequency in emptiness.
A unity between the imagination in the painting, and the creator of this painting; since there is no gab between the doing and its doer, or between the requisites on the work and those in the attitude of the artist whether collective or single.
Lots of people overlooked the essential criterion of art, they gave importance to what they valued in itself, and considered independent both in body and intellect from its creator till the value lost its lines as considered (the manner) which is parallel to the aesthetic doing. Not only that, but this value even became a repeated rhythm, and mechanical model based on the conditions of quantitative production which is a contextual action known in the present world of utilitarianism.
When we look at Farouk Basiouny, we will find that he is an essential part of the painting. He is a model of the idea of unity and truthfulness when we see truthfulness as a normative element of the aesthetic process.
When we look at the work of art itself for sometime, we will find the resemblance between this work and its creator.
His modern paintings has this kind of bitter mechanical calmness, systematic rhythm, recurrent and honest lights, bitter sarcasm in facing a `cursed` world reminding us with the `Shakespearian` tragedy, `classical` balance of the recurrent structure of the painting`s elements, and finally, a tough of melancholy buried in colors which gives his works a sense of seriousness and gravity. If we came closer to the surface, we will find perfect processing built with touch of morning light till it became the body of Farouk Basiouny himself.
He is of that kind of artists who can turn `raw tangible` into `aesthetic tangible` which gives us a clue about the features of the angle from which he selects his artistic image. When he tackles the `raw tangible`, searching for the world begins; at this point imagination goes through several processes of filtering and sculpting, till this aesthetic tangible is
Artists like `Lege`, `Gabo`, `Ensor`, `Yevredo lam, and even `Nevelson` did not have premature sensual visual images, but they faced themselves when they were in a certain state called `moment of gleam` which begins with the actual practice. This same moment of gleam is the one we try to reach with Farouk Basiouny.

`Ahmed Fouad Selim`
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