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Hussien Hamded Nouh
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hussien Nouh
Birth date : 20/2/1951
Place of birth : Al-Bahaira
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University 1977
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Responsible of Design in Mohamed Gad Factories of Glass in the period from 1975- 1980
- Profession training in the studio of the Grand Artist/ Mahmoud Mohsen 1978 -1980
- Owner and manager of Al-Nahar company of Art Production 1980 -2003
- Interior Designer of Houses , Palaces , Companies and Commercial stores 1980 -2003
Solo shows
- Exhibition in the Royal Cultural Center in Jordan 2004
- Exhibition in `Kalema` Gallery - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2004
- Exhibition entitle ` From life` in the Critique and Creation Center - Ahmed Shawky Museum , January 2006
Local exhibitions
- Participated in exhibitions of Faculty of Fine Arts
- Participated in exhibition of Faculty of Arts and Specify Education
- Exhibition in Salama Gallery 2003 , 2004
International exhibitions
- Exhibition ( Kan Zaman) Jordan
Publications and activities
- Directed many forms and art works like( Video Clip - Chidren programmes - Recording films - Advertisments)
- Participarted in production many art works ( 6 series and television films - 7 plays)
- Music composer
- Drums Player - Diamond Band
- Drums Player - Al-Nahar Band of the Grand Artist/ Mohamed Nouh
Private collection
- At group of famous and Fine Arts Lovers in Egypt and Arab Countries
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