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Amgad Abdel Salam Mohamed Eid |
Personal Data
Fame Name |
: Amgad Abdel Salam Eid |
Birth date |
: 15/3/1972 |
Place of birth |
: Al-Daqahalia |
Activities |
: Painting |
Email |
: dramgd7272@yahoo.com |
Education |
- BA of Specify Education - Department of Art Education - Mansoura University 1994
- MA in Specify Education - Art Education - Design Section - Mansoura University 2001
- Preliminary PhD in Art Education - Cairo University 2003
-Rehabilitation PhD in Art Education - Cairo University 2004
- PhD - Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education - Design Section - Cairo University 2006 |
Membership |
- Member of Teachers Syndicate - Dakrins 895793 - Al-Daqahalia
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists - Painting 5878/1860 - Cairo
- Founder member of Mansoura Atelier
- Member of Cairo Atelier
- Member of association of Al-Ghury artists |
Jobs |
- 1994 - Teacher of Art Education
- From 1994 to 2000 - Delegated member of teaching staff in Department of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education - Maniat Al-Nasr - Mansoura University
- from 1999 to 2000 - Member of teaching staff - Department of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education - Mansoura University
- 2006 Manager of Art Education Museum - Al-Daqahalia
-2006 Member of Teaching Staff - Department of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education - Kafr Al-Sheikh University
- 2007 Consultant of Fine Arts in Mubarak General Library - Mansoura |
Places of interest |
Solo shows |
- Exhibition entitle `Folklore` Ministry of Youth - Miet Fares Youth Center - Mansoura , March 1994
- Exhibition entitle ` Local folk units` Ministry of Youth - Meit Fares Youth Center - Mansoura , March 1995
- Exhibition entitle ( Folk visions (1)) Nour Gallery - Sporting Club - Dakrins , March 1996
- Exhibition entitle ( Folk visions (2)) Nour Gallery - Sporting Club - Dakrins , April 1997
- Exhibition entitle ( Folk visions (3)) Nour Gallery - Sporting Club - Dakrins, June 1998
- Exhibition entitle ( Folk visions (4)) Nour Gallery - Sporting Club - Dakrins , July 1999
- Exhibition entitle ( Folk visions (5)) Nour Gallery - Sporting Club - Dakrins , August 2000
- Exhibition entitle ( Folk visions (5)) Salmlak Gallery - Mansoura Sporting Stadium , September 2000, Faculty of Specify Education - Maniat Al-Nasr - Mansoura University 2001
- Exhibition in Nour Gallery - Sporting Club - Dakrins 2001,2002,2003
-Exhibition in Taief Gallery - Faculty of Specify Education - Cairo University 2006
- Exhibition `Folk spectrums` Dar Ibn Loqman - Mansoura Museum , February 2007
- Exhibition in Mubarak General Library - Mansoura , May 2007
-Exhibition (Dream) in Tazawq Palace , Sidi Gaber, Alexandria 2008 |
Local exhibitions |
- Exhibition of Faculty of Specify Education - Maniat Al-Nasr - Mansoura University from 1995 to 2000
- Exhibition of Faculty of Specify Education - Mansoura University from 1999 to 2000
- Exhibition of Ali Mubarak Secondary School from 1994 to 2003
- Exhibition of Dakrins Educational Administration - Al-Daqahalia from 1994 to 2003
- Exhibition of 8th Daqahalia Salon of Fine Arts 2004
- Exhibition of 9th Daqahalia Salon of Fine Arts 2005
- Exhibition of 10th Daqahalia Salon of Fine Arts 2006
- Exhibition of 11th Daqahalia Salon - Mansoura National Museum , March 2007
- Exhibition in Palace of Arts , Cairo , April 2007
- Exhibition in the Circle gallery - Syndicate of Fine Artists - Cairo , May 2007
- Exhibition in Al-Tazawq palace - Sidi Gaber , Alexandria , June 2007
- Exhibition of the 1st Salon of Mansoura Atelier - Mubarak Library , Mansoura , July 2007
- Exhibition entitle ( the 1st exhibition of Fine Arts workshops of Mubarak General Library) September 2007
- Exhibition of Al-Nasr Forum of Fine Arts - Port Said , November 2007
- At galleries (Rateb Sedek , and Engy Aflatoun) in Cairo Atelier 2008
- At Mahmoud Saeed Museum in Alexandria , June 2008
- At Mansoura Culture Palace under auspices of Mrs/ Suzan Mubarak , August 2008
- At Borivaj Hotel , Ras Al-Bar, September 2008
- Exhibition of 7th Salon of Youth artists and fans, Al-Tazawaq palace, Sidi Gaber , Alexandria, September 2008
- Exhibition entitle ( Without limits) in Al-Amal Club, Shata Damietta , October 2008
- Exhibition of 2nd Salon of Mansoura Atelier, Mubarak General Library , Mansoura , November 2008
- 2nd exhibition of results of Art and Mass forum at Mansoura National museum, February 2009
- 13th Daqahlia Salon at Mansoura National museum, March 2009
- At the circle gallery in Syndicate of Fine artists, Cairo, April 2009
-In Port Said, May 2009
- In Syndicate of Fine artists, Alexandria, May 2009 |
Assignment |
- Supervison , prepare and organize series of exhibitions and workshops of Student - Faculty of Specify Education - Mansoura University from 1994 to 2004
- Member of exhibitions committee - Mansoura Atelier 2007
- Supervison , preparation and organzing exhibition of fine arts of students of Education Faculty in Al-Ariesh in the framework of the Silver Jubilee of faculty establishment , Conferences Hall , Faculty of Science , December 2007
- Commassaire of the 1st exhibition of Fine arts workshops of Mubarak General Library , September 2007 |
Local and international Who's Who |
- Book Encyclopedia of Faculty of Specify Education - Maniat Al-Nasr
- Encyclopedia of Fine art, produced by the General Authority of Culture palaces 2008
- Encyclopedia of Scientific researchs , publiced by the General Authority of Culture, in occasion of 100 year of Fine Arts 2008
- Encylopedia of the Scientific researchs, published by 1st International Conference of Menia University entitle ` Debate of civilizations, communication channels between world countries), November 2008 |
Publications and activities |
- Supervison in workshop in Faculty of Specify Education in Kafr Al-Sheikh in co-operation with the Social Defenes Club - Kafr Al-Sheikh in the Art competition of Fine Arts 2006
-Book ` Design basis ` - produced by Kafr Al-Sheikh University (Faculty of Specify Education) 2007
- Book `Design`- produced by Kafr Al-Sheikh University (Faculty of Specify Education) 2007
- Book ` Design and Decoration tableau` - produced by Kafr Al-Shiekh University (Faculty of Specify Education) 2008
- Group of workshops of teaching Fine arts , Mubarak General Library , Mansoura 2007
- Group of workshops of teaching Fine arts in the framework of the Joint co-operation between Faculty of Education in Al-Ariesh and North Sinai Culture branch in the Silver jubilee of faculty establishment 2007
- Published research in 1st Conference of Egypt`s Fine artists 2008
- Symposium about exhibition ` The Private dream of artist`, casts by Prof/ Mohamed Shaker,and Critic/ Mohamed Kamal, on the margin of the exhibition at Al-Tazawq Palace , Sidi Gaber, Alexandria about artist and his exhibition , July 2008
- Symposium on the margin of workshops of teaching fine arts in its all branches, Al-Tazawq Palace, Sidi Gaber, Alexandria , casts by Prof/ Amgad Abdel Salam Eid, and artist/ Esmat Dawastashi, August 2008 |
Local recognition |
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Specify Education - Maniat Al-Nasr for his participation in activities of faculty and exhibitions 1994 - Painting , Design , Mansoura University
- Certificate of Merit from Kafr Meit Fares Youth Center
- Certificate of Merit from the Sporting Club in Dakarina
- Certificate of Merit from Ministry of Youth
- Certificate of Merit from the Syndicate of Fine Artists - Al-Daqahalia - 8th Daqahalia Salon 2004
- Certificate of Merit from the Syndicate of Fine Artists - Al-Daqahalia -9th Daqahalia Salon 2005
- Certificate of Merit from the Syndicate of Fine Artists - Al-Daqahalia- 10th Daqahalia Salon 2006
- Certificate of Merit from Teachers Syndicate 2007 as a ideal teacher.
- Certificate of Merit from Teachers Syndicate 2007
- Certificate of Merit from Mubarak Library in Mansoura 2007
- Certificate of Merit from Syndicate of Fine artists in Daqahalia , 11th Daqahalia Salon 2007
- Certificate of Merit from Culture divison in North Sinai for his effort in supervison on the Training workshop of Youth of Universities , Faculty of Education , Al-Ariesh , December 2007
- Certificate of Merit from the General Authority of Culture Palaces in Conference of Egypt`s fine artists, 100 years of Creativity 2008
- Certificate of Merit from Al-Tazawq palace, Sidi Gaber, Alexandria 2008 |
Private collection |
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad |
State collection |
- Faculty of Specify Education - Maniat Al-Nasr - Mansoura University
- Club of members of teaching staff - Mansoura University
- Museum of Art Education - Mansoura
- Museum of Art Education -Dakrnis
- Mural tableaus in Dakrnis Educational Administration
- Mural tableaus in the Building of Ali Mubarak Scondary School
- Ministry of Youth
- Ministry of Education
- Faculty of Specify Education - Cairo University
- Mubarak General Library in Mansoura
- Faculty of Education , Al-Ariesh , Suez Canal University
- The General Authority of Culture Palaces, Canal and Sinai Cultural region
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art |
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