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Ruqia Abdu Mahmoud Al-Said Al-Shenawy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ruqia Al-Shenawy
Birth date : 7/3/1954
Activities : Sculpture
Email : drrokaia_drrokaia@yahoo.com ,

- BA of Faculty of Art Education 1977
- MA in Art Education 1986
- PhD in Philosophy of Art Education 1996
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine artists
- Member of the Syndicate of Educational Professions
- Member of League of Alumni of Institutes and Faculties of Education
- Member of the International Association of Education by art
- Instructor in the Faculty of Art Education ( Helwan University)
- Assistant instructor in Sculpture and Ceramics Department in Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University 1986
- Assistant Instructor in the Faculties of Education - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1986
- Instructor in Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University 1996
- Participant instructor in Om Al-Quraa University , Al-Taief 1999
- Assistant instructot in Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University 2004
- Participant instructor of sculpture in Faculty of Education , Riyadh 2006
Places of interest
- Cairo
- Gharbia (Tanta)
- ALexandria
- Saudi Arabia
Solo shows
- Exhibition ` spirituals` 1998
- Exbibition ` Planet inspirations` - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University 2003
- Exhibition ` rythms from nature` at the Circle gallery in Syndicate of Fine artists 2005
- Exhibition `Between Hertiage and Nature` at ` Biekar` Gallery - Building of Journalists Syndicate , May 2005
- At the Circle gallery in Syndicate of Fine Artists , Opera 2006
- At Saad Zaghloul Cultural Center in Beit al-Umma Museum , January 2008
- At teh Circle gallery in Syndicate of Fine artists 2008
- At` Tahia Haliem` gallery in Cairo Atelier , November 2008
Local exhibitions
- The Participationin collective exhibitions in the Faculty of Art Education - Cairo
- Prepare exhibitions of Faculties of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Exhibition `rhythms from nature` in the Circle Hall in the Syndicate of Fine artists - Opera 15/2/2004 to 25/2/2004
- Exhibition of the Scientific conference of Faculty of Art Education, Horus gallery - Faculty of Art Education 2004-2005
-17th and 18th Exhibition of Salon of the National association of Fine Arts 2004,2005, Opera
- 2nd Fine festival in Alexandria of the National association of Fine Arts, Alexandria 19/8/2004
- Salon of the National association of Fine arts lovers 2005-2008
-Salon of the National association of Fine arts lovers , Alexandria 2005-2008
-2nd Exhibition of Al-Sakia Cultural forum -Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2005
- Exhibition of Authority of Culture palaces , October 2005
- At the Circle gallery - Syndicate of Fine artists 2003 -2006
-3rd Fine festival at Alexandria Creation Center of the National association of Fine arts, August 2006
- Exhibition of Contemporary sculpture at Saad Zaghloul Center, Biet Al-Umaa museum 2008
-20th Salon of the National association of Fine Arts, at Fine arts gallery and the Musician library, Opera, February 2008
-27th Exhibition of association of Al-Ghury artists -Grand gallery of exhibitions ,Al-Ahram, April 2008
- Collective exhibition at gallery of Fine arts museum - Alexandria, Fine Arts Sector, Ministry of Culture , May 2008
- Exhibition` Spring and Sea` at the Circle gallery - Syndicate of Fine artists - May 2008
- At museum of Fine arts, Alexandria, May 2008
- 1st exhibition of the Military cultures 18-28/10/2008
- At Adel Helmy gallery - Almaza 30/10/2008
International exhibitions
- Prepare exhibitions of Education faculties - Al-Taief University , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- The supervison on Creation workshop of Fine art - The General Authority of Culture palaces - South Valley Institute - Asuit University 1999
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit in the student activities -Om Al-Qura university
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 2003/2004
- Certificate of Merit from woman world newspaper 30/7/2004
- Certificate of Merit from Faculty of Education - Tanta University 2005
- Certificate of Merit from Department of Art Education - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Certificate of Merit from Dean of Faculty of Education - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Certificate of Merit from the General authority of Culture palaces - Ministry of Culture,14-17/5/2008
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian art
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