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Nesma Ahmed Mohamed Al-Said Al-Khouly
Personal Data
Birth date : 28/1/1980
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Drawing
Email : ananas_logy@yahoo.com

- BA of Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education - Cairo University 2001
Local exhibitions
- Festival of Design and execute plans in Faculty of Specify Education ` 1st position` 1998
- Exhibition in the Faculty of Specify Education `Art works` 1999
- The General exhibition of Fine arts - Cairo University ` Art works` - 1st position of Cairo University and 2nd position of Egypt`s universities 1999
- Exhibition ` depicted leather and its Contemporary forms` - Cairo University 2000
- Puppets festival - Faculty of Specify Education 2001
- The Final Festival of Cairo University `puppets` 2001
- The Final General exhibition of Faculty of Specify Education 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
-15th Youth Salon 2003
Publications and activities
- Workshop in Geothe Institute ` design and made chairs`1999
- Workshop in Geothe Institute 2000
Local recognition
- 1st position in the General exhibition of Fine Arts - Cairo University ` Art works`
- 2nd position - Egypt universities 1999
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt , Saudi Arabia , Emirates , Kuwait , America
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