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Abdel-Azim Abdel-Salam Al-fergany
Personal Data
Birth date : 17/12/1947
Activities : Painting

- BA in Art Education.
- MA in Art Education.
- PhD in Art Education.
- Reader at the Faculty of Art Education.
- Assistant Teacher at the Faculty of Art Education.
- Master of the Ecuational courses - Art Education Department- Faculty of Education- Menia Univesity.
Places of interest
- Western Desert- Cairo- Menia- Port Said- Alexandria- Luxor- Aswan- Sinai Fron line.
Solo shows
- Five solo exhibitions at the Faculty of Art Education- 1970.
- The Fine Art Lovers Society- 1971.
- Gallery of Goethe Institute- The Arsenal - 1972.
- Cairo Atelier- 1976.
Local exhibitions
- participated in an exhibition at the Faculty of Art Education- 1970.
- participated in the Spring Exhibition- 1970.
- participated in The General Exhibition- 1970:1975.
- participated in Palestine Exhibition- 1971.
- participated in `Egypt...the Hope` exhibition- 1975.
- participated in the Battle Exhibition- 1976.
International exhibitions
- represented Egypt at the 1st Arab Youth Festival- Algeria- 1972.
- represented Egypt in the Egyptian Soviet Friendship Week- Moscow- Russia- 1973.
Local recognition
- the 1st painting prize- `Egypt ...the Hope` exhibition- 1975.
- the 2nd painting Prize- The Battle Exhibition- 1976.
International recognition
- prize of Palestine Exhibition- 1971.
Private collection
- at art lovers.
State collection
- Ministry of Culture.
- Egypt Embassy- Jordan.- Asiut Governorate.
- Algeria.
- Benghazy.
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