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Hanaa Mohamed Ali Metawlly Al-Daghiem
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hanaa Al-Daghiem
Birth date : 3/2/1977
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
Email : hanadegham@yahoo.com

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Helwan University 1999 .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 4073 - Painting .
- Free artist .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- Al-Qalioubia (Kafr Shoukr) .
Local exhibitions
- Students exhibitions in the Faculty from 1994:1999 .
- In Gallery of the Faculty 1999 .
- Competition of Helwan University 1999 .
- Two accompanied exhibitions of the Medical Conference of Ain Shams University - Sheraton Heliopolis 1999, 2000 .
- 12th Youth Salon 2000, 13th 2001, 15th 2003 .
- Collective exhibitions in Banha Culture Palace ( Al-Qalioubia artists) 2000, 2001 .
- 5th Port Said National Biennale 2001, 6th 2003 .
- Collective exhibition ` Girls and Art` Khan Al-Maghraby Gallery 2001 .
- 42nd Pioneers exhibition ( Association of Fine Arts Lovers) 2002 .
- Collective exhibition in Luxor Studio 2002 .
- Exhibition ` Ramadan` - The General Authority of Culture Palaces - Ismalia 2002 .
- Festival of Creations of the Egyptian Woman in the Contemporary Arts - Geizira Arts Center 2004 .
- Scholarship to Luxor Studio 2002 .
Local and international Who's Who
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon , Part 3 , Prepared by Critic/ Mohamed Hamza 2004, Produced by Sector of Fine Arts .
Local recognition
- 3rd prize - Painting - Competition of Helwan University 1999 .
- 1st prize - Painting - Exhibition related to Ain Shams University 2000 .
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