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Rasha Soliman Shoukry
Personal Data
Fame Name : Rasha Soliman
Birth date : 23/12/1970
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
Email : rashasolimanart@hotmail.com
Site : www.barahart.com

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department 1994 .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 3956/1169 Painting .
- Member of Writers and Artists Association - Cairo Atelier .
- Member of the International Union of Fine Arts .
- Free Artist .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- Alexandria .
Solo shows
- Exhibitions and Museums of Al-shouna Art - Alexandria ` Language of bodies` 1997
- In Cairo Atelier ` Debate of cactus` 1998 .
- In Cairo Atelier ` Debate of Silence` 1999 .
- In the Gallery of Faculty of Fine Arts ( alphabet of trees) 2001 .
- In Al-Hanager Gallery - Opera ( Languages and Debates in my tableaus) 2001 .
- Exhibitions and Museums of Al-Shouna , Alexandria ,(At the same place) 2002 .
- At` Ragheb Aiad` Gallery - Geizira Arts Center , July 2006 .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibitions in the Faculty of Fine Arts 1991:1994 .
- Heliomdrama Salon of Youth - The French Cultural Center - Heliopolis 1994:1997.
- Exhibition `6 artists` - Al-Hanager Center of Arts - Opera 1997 .
- In Al-Hanager Gallery 1997 .
- Atelier Salon - Cairo 1998 .
- Competition and exhibition of Sinai liberation Feast - Cairo 1999 .
- 3rd Salon of Mini works of Art 1999 .
- Competition and exhibition ( Egypt Today and Future) - The Egyptian Opera House 2000 .
-1st Festival of Free image in Al-Hanager Center of Arts and the French Cultural Center 2000
- 40th Pioneers exhibition ( Association of Fine Arts Lovers) 2000
-12th Youth Salon 2000 .
- 27th National Exhibition of Fine Arts 2001 .
- 1st Festival of Creation Caravan of Arts and Crafts - Al-Shouna , Alexandria 2001.
- 2nd Festival of Creation Caravan of Arts and Crafts , Al-Shouna , Alexandria 2002
- Exhibition of Silent Nature ( Generations - Directions - Techniques) Geizira Arts Center , September 2005 .
Local recognition
- 2nd prize ` Painting` - The French Cultural Center - Heliopolis - Heliodrama competition of Youth 1997 .
- Silver medal in the 2nd Festival of Creation Caravan of Arts and Crafts - Al-Shouna - Alexandria 2002 .
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt , France , Germany .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo .
- Al-Shouna Museum - Alexandria .
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