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Shawkat Mohamed M.Dief
Personal Data
Fame Name : Shawkat Dief
Birth date : 5/9/1973
Activities : Painting
Email : shawdeif@yahoo.com ,
shawdeif@hotmail.com ,

- BA of Faculty of Commerce , Department of Business Administration - Alexandria University 1995
- Free Studies in Studio of Alexandria Atelier `Association of Writers and Artists) under supervison of Prof/ Farouk Wahaba from 1990:1994
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists , Painting Section 26735
- Owner of Crazy Arts Gallery in Sharm Al-Sheikh since 2004 till now
- Currently Fine artist and Owner of Crazy Arts in Al- Moiez La Dien Allah Al-Fatami Street - Al-Gamalia District - Cairo
Places of interest
- Cairo , Alexandria
Solo shows
- Exhibition in the Arab Academy of Navy transportation ` Gallery of the Art activity) - Alexandria 1994
- In the Commercial Technical Institute - Alexandria 1994
Local exhibitions
- Collective exhibition ` Painting` - Al-Tazawq Palace - Al-Shataby Gallery 88 -1990
- In Studio of Alexandria Atelier 1993
- Collective exhibition of Members of Alexandria Atelier in the National Party - in occassion of Alexandria National Feast - Boukli - Alexandria 1994
- 6th Youth Salon of Alexandria Atelier 1994
-Exhibition entitle ` Studio` - Painting - Alexandria Atelier 1995
- 1st Collective exhibition of Pioneers of Creation - Gallery 95 - Al-Tazawq Palace - Sidi Gaber - Alexandria , February 1996
- 2nd Collective exhibition of Pioneers of Creation - Gallery 95 - Al-Tazawq Palace - Sidi Gaber , Alexandria , August 1996
-Exhibition of Pioneers of Creation Gallery under the name of ` Creation Gallery` - Gallery 95 - Al-Tazawq Palace - Sidi Gaber , Alexandria - January 1998
-11th Youth Salon in Palace of Arts , The Egyptian Opera House 1999
- 1st Exhibition of Alexandria Library - Conferences Center ` 3 Grand works of Oil Painting) , November 2003
International exhibitions
- Collective exhibition ` Painting` - Dubai , United Arab of Emirates 2004
-23th Alexandria Biennale 2005
Local and international Who's Who
-Encyclopedia of Youth Salon , Part 3 , Prepared by Critic/ Mohamed Hamza 2004, produced by Sector of Fine Arts
Publications and activities
- Workshop in Alexandria Atelier , December 2006
Local recognition
- 1st prize` monetary` - his exhibition in the Commercial Technical Institute - Alexandria 1994
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt , Kuwait , Jordan , Dubai , Saudi Arabia , America , Russia
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