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Shady Ahmed Mustafa Al-Dali
Personal Data
Fame Name : Shady Al-Dali
Birth date : 5/1/1979
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Graphic - Print
Email : shady_art@hotmail.com

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Graphic Department - Animation and Book Art Section - Helwan University 2000
- High Studies Diploma in Critique ` Critique Institute in Arts Academy) 2003
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 5601/1035 - Graphic
- Work in Animation field - Cairo Cartoon company 2000 -2002
- Work in Puppets Theatre of Child 1998 -2003
Places of interest
- Cairo
Local exhibitions
- 2nd Salon of Mini Works of Art 1998, 3rd 1999, 4th 2000, 5th 2002 .
- Collective exhibition in Cairo Atelier 1999 .
- Collective exhibition in Creation and Critique Center 1999 .
- Exhibition of Egypt artists for Al-Quds - Al-Hanager 2000 .
- 12th Youth Salon 2000, 13th 2001 .
- Short Scholarship from Amesterdam University - Netherlands to study drama arts 2005
Publications and activities
- Design cover of book ` The Other` - produced by the Supreme Council of Culture
- Design many decor and colthes of drama shows like ` Chambre` - produced by Fine Arts Sector - The Experimental Festival 1999)
Local recognition
- Encouragement prize from Helwan University to design Poster and Catalogue 2000
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt , Netherlands , France , Belgium , United States
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art
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