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Waleed Ehab Mohamed Ibrahim Diab
Personal Data
Fame Name : Waleed Diab
Birth date : 21/5/1975
Activities : Graphic - Print
Email : armadasales@hotmail.com

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Department of Print designs - Alexandria University 1999
- Preliminary MA - Department of Print designs 2003
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 422/M - Graphic
Solo shows
- Exhibition ` Fine Forms` - Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace - Alexandria 2002
Local exhibitions
- Exhibitions of Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria
- Sessions of Youth Salon of Alexandria Atelier
- Sessions of Nagy Salon - Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace - Alexandria
-12th Youth Salon , Palace of Arts - The Egyptian Opera House 2000
-Autumn Salon in Al-Tazawq Palace - Sidi Gaber - Alexandria 2001
-27th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2001
- Exhibition of Alexandria Creation Center 2001
- Exhibition ` Fine revelations` - Mustafa Kamel Culture Palace - Alexandria 2001
- Exhibition `Alexandria in her sons eyes` in occassion of the Golden jubilee of July revolution and Alexandria National feast - Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace - Alexandria 2002
-14th Youth Salon - Palace of Arts - The Egyptian Opera House 2002
- Exhibition of the Revolution celebration - Mahmoud Saeed Museum - Alexandria 2003
-6th Port Said National Biennale 2003
-16th Youth Salon 2004
- Design and execute mural to Scientific Organization - Alexandria
Local recognition
- Encouragement prize and Certificate of Merit - 12th Youth Salon 200
- Superior prize in Fine Art and Certificate of Merit from Salon of Alexandria Atelier 2000
- 3rd prize and Certificate of Merit from 5th Nagy Salon - Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace - Alexandria 2000
- Certificate of Merit from 7th Nagy Salon - Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace - Alexandria 2002
- Prize from exhibition of Alexandria in her sons eyes - Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace - Alexandria 2002
- Certificate of Merit in occassion of the Golden Jubilee of July revolution and Alexandria National Feast 2002
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt and abroad
State collection
- Ministry of Culture
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