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Labieb Tadrus
Personal Data
Birth date : //1894
Place of birth : Sohag
Date of death : 10/5/1943
Activities : Painting
Email : nabil_halim2000@yahoo.com

- Baccalaureate in 1917
- Drawing and engraving diploma from the Italian Arts School ( Night Section)
- Pupliage on the Italian artist Camiello Anoshenty from 1925 : 1927
- Member of association of Fine arts lovers since 1923 till his death in 1934
- Worked in the Interior Ministry 1912
Places of interest
- Egypt
- Lebanon
Solo shows
In Contientental Hotel , Cairo ,March 1942
- At ` dimensions ` gallery in Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art 2008
Local exhibitions
Participated in the exhibitions and the Annual Salon that held by Association of Fine arts lovers since 1923 till his death in 1943
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of the Royal association in London 1937
- Paris International exhibition 1937
- Venicia Biennale 1938
Publications and activities
- Wrote articles about Art in Students magazine
International recognition
Silver medal in Paris International exhibition 1937
Private collection
- At his relatives and friends
State collection
- The Modern Egyptian Art Museum, and has been lend to all the Egyptian Embassies abroad and ministries.
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