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Mustafa Mohamed Amien Al-Fiki
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mustafa Al-Fiki
Birth date : 17/10/1937
Place of birth : Al-Gharbia
Date of death : 7/11/2024
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts , Painting department 1964 - Cairo
- MA from Faculty of Fine Arts 1974
- PhD in painting from Italy, Rome 1979
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of association of the Italian Egyptian co-operation , Rome
- Member of Alumni association of Fine Arts, Cairo
- Member of Teaching Staff in Painting department - Faculty of Fine Arts
- Worked in Kuwait for 2 years from 1971
- Worked in Saudi Arabia for 6 years from 1983 till 1989
- Deputy of Faculty of Fine Arts for students and education affairs
- Ex- professor and Deputy of Faculty of Arts
- Freelance professor in Painting department
Places of interest
- Egypt, Kuwait , Saudi Arabia
Solo shows
- Staged Solo exhibitions in Egypt , Italy and Saudi Arabia
Local exhibitions
- Participated in the Fine movement in Egypt since 1964 till now
- 21st General exhibition of Fine Arts 1990
-6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2003
-1st Drawing Salon (Black- White) at Geizira Arts Center , May 2004
- 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
-29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005
-At Qortuba gallery in Mohandessen 2006
International exhibitions
-5th Cairo International Biennale 1994
-Al-Sharqa Biennale of Fine Arts 1993
- Scholarship from Ministry of Culture 1967
- Governmental scholarship to Rome 1976
- Member of the governmental mission to Rome
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and Saudi Arabia
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo
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