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Habib George Abdullah Al-Taweel
Personal Data
Fame Name : Habib Georgy
Birth date : 22/3/1892
Date of death : 22/10/1964
Activities : Painting

- studied at the Faculty of Teachers Mathematics department then changed his way and focused in teaching drawing- 1915.
- had taught at the teachers high school and advanced till he became the dean and the art Education supervisor.
Places of interest
- Cairo- Bani Swaif- Assiut-London.
Solo shows
- UNESCO- exhibitions- London.
- a comemorative exhibition for the pioneer Habib George- Bicaso Gallery- 2000.
- Exhibition for Habib Georgy with his students and daughter- Art Center- 2001.
Local exhibitions
- Art Protection society exhibitions in association with Cairo Annual Salon- in the 1930s
- 4th Honorary Exhibition for Artists born in Jan-Feb-Mar 1888:1935- Dimensions Gallery- the Egyptian Modern Art Museum- 2006.
- traveled to London for studing Appled Arts- 1921.
- founded and encouraged drawing groups at the Teachers School and many other schools in Egypt.
- founded the Art Support Society- 1936 and the water color drawing society.
- led the experience of Children spontanouse art- 1939- 1951.
Local and international Who's Who
- 50 years of Art- by Roushdi Eskander and Kamal Al-Mallah- Dar El-Maaref- 1962.
- 80 years of Art- by Roushdi Eskander, Soubhi Al-Sharouni and Kamal Al-Mallh- 1992.
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