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Ariak Makhaiel Elias Gergis
Personal Data
Birth date : 2/9/1959
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Painting

- Free studies in Faculty of Fine Arts , Alexandria since 1974
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Freelance
Places of interest
- Alexandria - France - Venicia - Greece
Solo shows
- In the French Cultural Center , Alexandria 1979
- At Mansoura Culture Palace 1987-1988-1989
- At Cairo Atelier 1993
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of the youth artists , Alexandria 1974
- Alexandria Salon 1976
- At Mahmoud Saeed Museum 1977
- General exhibitions at Al-Horreya Culture Palace , Alexandria from 1974 to 1978
- Geothe Institute, Alexandria 1984,1985,1986,1987,1988
-1st and 2nd Daqahalia Salon 1992,1993
- 4th Youth Salon 1992
-Port Said National Biennale 1992
- Competition of Arts authority
- 25th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1997
Local and international Who's Who
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon, part 1, prepared by Prof/ Sobhy Al-Sharouny 1994, produced by Fine Arts Sector
Local recognition
- Special prize from Arts administration 1976 - Painting
- 1st prize of Naguib Mahfouz 1988 - Painting
-2nd and 3rd prize of 1989-1990 - Painting
- Prize of the General authority of Arts 1992 - Sculpture
- 3rd prize , 4th Youth Salon - Sculpture 1992
-Grand prize of competition of Arts authority , Alexandria , Sculpture
- Prize from Port Said National Biennale - Painting 1992
State collection
- Al-Hanager Arts Center - Cairo
- Fine Arts Sector , Cairo
- The Social Club in Mansoura
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