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Abdel Sabour Shahieen Fouly Shahieen
Personal Data
Fame Name : Abdel Rahim Shahieen
Birth date : 22/4/1953
Place of birth : Qena
Date of death : 24/4/2022
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Arts - Academy of Arts - Baghdad 1972 .
- BA of Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1976 .
- MA in Philosophy of Arts , Academy of Arts , Baghdad .
- PhD in Aesthetics Studies ( Philosophy of Arts) 1986 .
- Member of Association the Egyptian Critiques .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists .
- Member of Cairo Atelier of Artists and Writers .
- Member of Asala Association of Arts .
- Member of the National Association of Arts .
- Member of the Supreme Council of Arts and Culture .
- Member of League of Global Artists Union ( Sant Ve) United States of America .
- Work in writting in Critique since 1981 in many Egyptian and Arab newspapers and magazines .
- Work in teaching aesthetics in Academy of Arts - Baghdad from 1979 till 1991 as a Head of Painting Department in the Academy.
- Professor in Academy of Arts in Baghdad .
- Visitor professor in Faculty of Arts - Boston - United States of America .
- Freelance Artist since 1990 .
Places of interest
- Europe , Latine America since 1977 till 1994 .
Solo shows
- At Gawad Selim gallery - Baghdad 1979 .
- At Al-Atasy gallery - Syria 1981.
- At gallery of the typical Institute of the Capital Riydah - Saudi Arabia 1982 .
- At gallery of Arts Academy - Athens - Greece 1982 .
- At Intercontinental Hotel - Riyadh 1983 .
- At gallery of the Arab Institute of the Oriental studies - Boston - America 1984
- At gallery of Netherlands Museum - Amesterdam 1986 .
- At the Diplomatic Cultural Center - Riyadh 1990 .
- At Grathia Lourca gallery - Madrid - Spain 1992 .
- At Cairo Atelier 1993,1996,2001 .
- At gallery of Faculty of Arts - Boston - America 1994 .
- San Frenando Institute - Madrid - Spain 1997 .
- In the General Authority of Culture Palaces 1999 .
- At ` Ahmed Sabry` gallery - Gezira Arts Center 2002 .
- At ` Rateb Sedek` gallery - Cairo Atelier , November 2003 .
- At Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy - Zamalek , May 2004 .
- At ` Rateb Sedek` gallery - Cairo Atelier 2003,2005, 2006 .
- Exhibition entitle` Body`s memory 2` at ( Mohamed Nagy) gallery - Cairo Atelier , January 2007 .
Local exhibitions
- Collective exhibition of Fine Arts on the margin of Qartaj Cinematic Festival 1994 .
- 25th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1997 - Cairo.
- Collective exhibition at Cairo Atelier 1998 .
- Collective exhibition of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture - Alexandria - Ismalia - Qena - Bani Swief- Menia 1999 .
- Staged exhibition from 9 artists of 90s generation at Cairo Atelier 2000 .
- 3rd and 4th Salon of Mini Works of Art 1999,2000 .
- 27th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2001.
- Salon of Cairo Atelier 2001 .
- Collective exhibition of Asala Association of Arts 2001.
- The Particiation in efficiency of Regions exhibition of Ministry of Culture 2003 .
- 28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2003 .
- 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2003 .
- Collective exhibition with Artists ( Faten Al-Nawawy - Evielien Asham Allah - Gamal Abdel Nasser) at Cairo Atelier 2004 .
- Established the 1st and 2nd Norway Egyptian Forum which contained 5 Famous .
- Egyptian Artists and 5 Famous Norway Artists at Alexandria Creation Center and Mous City in Norway 2004,2005 .
- 29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005 .
International exhibitions
- 6th Alexandria International Biennale 1965 .
- At the Spainsh Cultural Center - Madrid 1996 .
- 4th Bangaliesh Biennale .
- 7th Cairo International Biennale 1990 .
- 3rd Al-Sharqa International Biennale 2001 .
- Al-Mahras Festival - Tunisia 2003 .
- Asiela Festival - Morocco 2004 .
- Freelance grant from 1997 till 1998 .
Publications and activities
- Book ( Additional Concepts about what`s after newness and Contemporary Art problems) .
- Book Form and content .
- The participation in the Cultural Conference of the Supreme Council of Culture and Arts as a Manager of the Final session and present research about Society of image and end of Art .
- Has many researches in Critique field .
- Participated in the accompanied symposium of the 29th National exhibition 2005.
- Has Television and Broadcast interviews about Art .
- Participated in the accompanied International Symposium of Al-Sharqa Biennale ( research about Art in variable horizone) .
- Participated in the accompanie Symposium of Al-Mahras Festival - Tunisia .
- Has studies about Arts of Latien America .
Local recognition
- Creation prize - 3rd Salon of Mini Works of Art 1999 .
- 1st prize of best installation in the National exhibition of Fine Arts .
- 1st prize - Painting -The Egyptian Military Army - Sinai feasts 1999 .
- Certificate of Merit from the Egyptian Ministry of Culture - Creation prize .
- Certificate of Merit - Painting prize of Sinai feasts , the Egyptian Military of Army .
- Certificate of Merit from the Supreme Council of Arts and Culture ( Egypt) for the participation in Scientific Symposium ( Debate of Cultures) .
International recognition
- Prize of the Golden Sail - Kuwait .
- Certificate of Merit for the participation in efficiency of Al-Sharqa International Biennale ( Emirates) 2001.
- Certificate of Merit , Prize of the Golden Sail of the participation in efficiency of Al-Mahras Festival - Tunisia 2003 .
- Creation prize of Middle East Arts - Boston - America .
- Prize of the technical Superior - Mexico .
Private collection
- At individuals inside Egypt and abroad .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Arts - Baghdad .
- Ministry of Culture - Iraq .
- Ministry of Information - Riyadh - Saudi Arabia .
- Center of the Oriental Studies - America .
- The Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture .
- Ananousia Gallery `New York` .
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo .
- Ministry of Defense - Military Army .
- Al-Sharqa Museum of Arts ( United Arab of Emirates) .
- Ministry of Information - Algeria .
- Baldieen Museum in Netherlands .
- Boston Museum of Middle East Arts ` Boston` - America .
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