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Saeed Ibrahim Mohamed Harby
Personal Data
Fame Name : Saeed Harby
Birth date : 28/7/1949
Activities : Graphic - Print

- BA from Faculty of Fine Arts - Graphic Department - Helwan University 1974
- High Studies Diploma 1992
- Diploma in History of Art 2002
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 223/15 Graphic
- Member of the Contemporary Egyptian Engraving Association
- Art member of the Exhibitions Department in Fine Arts Sector
Places of interest
Solo shows
- In Saray Al-Nasr Gallery 1979-1980-1981-1982
-In Assuit , Sohag, Ariesh and Banha Culture Palaces 82-/83-84-87-1990
- In Cairo Atelier 1994-2000-2002-2004
- In Galleries of the Culture Center in Ard al-Golf - Heliopolis 2003
- In al-Mustaqabal Library in Gesr al-Suez 2004
Local exhibitions
- He participated in all sessions of the National Exhibition of Fine Arts
- Exhibitions of the National Association of Fine Arts
- Festival of Environment and Development1993
- Many exhibitions of the Garden and Square - New Valley - Cairo University 1994,1996
- Exhibition in Monofia - Mansoura - Banha 1995
- Celebrations of the United Nations 1996
- 1st Salon of Mini Works of Art 1997, 2nd 1998, 3rd 1999
- Exhibition of Assuit University 1998
- Exhibition of Shooting Club 1999
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of Disarmament (UN) Yougoslavia 1988
- Graphic Biennale , Belguim 1989-1991
- International Graphic Biennale 1991
-Drawing and Engraving Triennal in Polland 1991
- Nerobi Festival (Keina)1994
- Germany Festival 1995
- Venizia Festival 1995
- Exhibition of the International Cultural Salon -2002,2003
-Exhibition of the International Cairo Stadium 2003
- Freelance grant from Ministry of Culture 1993
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from the Festival of Environment and Development 1993,1994
- Encouragement Prize in ocassion of United Nations Celebration 1996
Private collection
- At individuals in Belguim - Germany - Iraq - Polland and some Arab Countries
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art
- Conferences Hall ( The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism)
- Museum of the International Egyptian Graphic in Cairo ,Germany and Iraq
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