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Mustafa Mahmoud Mohamed Yahia |
Personal Data
Fame Name |
: Mustafa Yahia |
Birth date |
: 13/9/1948 |
Place of birth |
: Cairo |
Activities |
: Painting |
Education |
- BA of Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University , June 1971
- High Studies diploma in Critique - The High Institute of Critique , Arts Academy 1975
- MA in Fine Critique - The High Institute of Critique - Arts Academy 1976
- PhD of Philosophy in Fine Critique - The High Institute of Critique - Arts Academy 1981 |
Membership |
- Founder member of Alumni association of the High Institute of Critique 1977
- Member of association of Cairo Atelier , Writers and Artists union
- Member of Writers union and Fine Critics association
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists (Painting)
- Member of the Egyptian association of Fine Critics
-Member of Egypt`s writers Union
- Member of association of Al-Ghury artists |
Jobs |
- Teacher of Art Education in Ministry of Education and Teaching then conscription as an officer 1971
- Officer in Military engineers army from June 1971 till October 1975
- Teacher of Art Education in Khadive Ismail Secondary School from 1976 till 1978
- Assistant instructor (Lecturer) in Faculty of Preparation teachers - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 1979 -1982
- Head of Educational aids department (Assistant professor) in Faculty of Perparation teachers , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 1982 -1990
- Head of Educational aids and Art education depatment in Faculty of Preparation teachers , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 1990 -1991
- Teaching in Faculty of Specify Education , Abbassia , Ain Shams University 1991 -1994
- Instructor in Teaching authority of Fine Critique - The High Institute of Critique - Arts Academy 19/4/1993
- Assistant professor of Fine critique in Critique institute - Arts Academy 1996
- Head of Fine critique department - Critique institute 1997 -1999
- Professor of Fine Critique in Critique institute 2002
- Deputy of the High Institute of Critique - Arts Academy 26/8/2003
- Dean of the High Institute of Critique - Arts Academy 19/10/2003
- Renew deanery for a second period in 19/10/2006 |
Places of interest |
Solo shows |
- At Extra cafe - Tahrir square 1975 - Cairo
- At Alumni authority of universities 1977
- At Cairo Atelier , Mohamed Nagy gallery 1978
- At the French Cultural Center - Heliopolis 1978
- At the French Cultural Center - Mounira 1978
- At Cairo Atelier , Rateb Sedek gallery 1994
- At Ramatan Cultural Center (Taha Hussien Museum) Haram 2001
- At Michel Anglo gallery , April 2002
- At Rateb Sedek gallery in Cairo Atelier , September 2002, October 2002
- Exhibition `The hypothetical life` at Rateb Sedek gallery in Cairo Atelier , September 2003
- At the General Authority of Culture palaces 2003
- Exhibition `Creation Forum` in the New vallery 2003
- Port Said, Ismalia , Fayum , Bani Swief exhibition from 2003 -2004
- At Rateb Sedek gallery in Cairo Atelier , November 2004
- At Qortuba gallery , Mohandessen 2004
- At Rateb Sedek gallery in Cairo Atelier , November and December 2004
- Exhibition ` The contrary consciousness`at Akhenaton 1 gallery - Arts Center , June 2005
- At Kelma gallery in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy , June 2005
- At `Ahmed Sabry` gallery in Geizira Arts Center , Zamalek , June 2007 |
Local exhibitions |
- 10th General exhibition of Fine Arts at Bab Al-Louq gallery 1978
-17th General Spring exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Alumni 1978
- At the French Cultural Center 1978
- In the Egyptian Center of the International Cultural co-operation , The Foreign diplomats gallery 1979
- Exhibition of Atelier Salon (Cairo Atelier) 1994-1997-1998-1999-2002
- 3rd National Forum of Fine Arts in the Supreme Council of Culture 1998
- Exhibition of Military army in occasion of October celebrations , Nasr City 1999
- At the Circle gallery in Syndicate of Fine Artists , The Egyptian Opera House - Cairo 2000
- Exhibition of the Cultural Spatial Channel , Moqattam 2000
-27th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2001
-5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002
- In Maadi Sporting Club 2002
- At Luxor studios - Luxor Culture Palace 2002
- Exhibition of Critic artists at Creation gallery , Mohandessen 2003
- 28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2003
- Exhibition of Citadel Forum 2003
-6th and 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2003,2004
- The Annual exhibition of Al-Ghury artists 2004
-29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005
- The Annual exhibition of artists of Al-Ghury association 2006
- Exhibition of Fine Arts accompanied to indoors 11 exhibition in Cairo International Conferences Center 2006
-Exhibition of association of Fine Arts Lovers 2006
-1st Festival of Fine Creation ( The General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007
-2nd Festival of Fine Creation ( 31st General exhibition) 2008
- Exhibition` Mahrousa nights` , September 2008 |
International exhibitions |
-4th and 5th Ramadan exhibition 2005,2006 at Jeddah Atelier of Fine Arts - Saudi Arabia
- Exhibition (The Contemporary Egyptian art) in the Roman National museum - Romania 2006
- 1st exhibition of Arab selections in Jeddah Atelier of Fine Arts 2007
- At Abu Dhabi Authority of Culture and Hertiage 2007
- In Bulgaria 2007 |
Assignment |
- Delegated for teaching in Faculties of Specify Education (Abbassia , Ain Shams University , Cairo University) from 1992 -1995
- Board member and the General Secretary of Cairo Atelier - Writers and Artists Union from 1994 -1998
- Lecturer in researcher in the 3rd National Forum of Fine Arts , under supervision of the Supreme Council of Culture ` Cairo Grand Library , March 1998
- Beautification Al_Rass city , Saudi Arabia
- The participation in design Libaries fair of the old books in Abu Al-Rieesh Square , Al-Saida Zienab |
Local and international Who's Who |
ITHACA,NY 14850- U.SA. |
Publications and activities |
- Book of Cinema and Art Tastement - Gharieb House - Cairo 1992
- Book of Tableau drama - Information House - Cairo 1993 , 2004
- Book of the Fine value before and after expressionism - Information House - Cairo 1994
- Worked for a period as an assistant director of the Register films in the Egyptian television 1997
- The scientific supervision on many MA and PhD of Fine Critique
- Tens of Critique reseaches in (Fine Art - Cinema) , published in theatre magazines, Al-Yamama Saudi Arabia , Education technology , Think and Creation, Horizons of Fine Arts like:
- phenomenon of expatriation of Fine art in the Egyptian environment - Magazine of Education technology - 2nd issue - Information House 1992
- Man and Image - Theatre magazine - Issue 84 ,1995
- vacuum theory - Vacuum in the Islamic art - Theatre magazine - Issue 85 , 1995
- Mustafa Abdel Fattah - Prism magazine , Issue 46 , The Cultural Foreign relations 1997
- The Cultural fram of the Contemporary Fine Artist - 3rd Forum of Fine Arts - The Supreme Council of Culture - Committee of Fine Arts - Conference book - March 1998
- Effect of Culture in the Fine Art work - 3rd National Forum of Fine Arts -the Supreme Council of Culture - Committe of Fine Arts - Conference book - March 1998
- Attendance and Absent in Fine Art - Theatre magazine - The General Egyptian authority of Book , December 2000
- Revelation of Hertiage in Fine Arts what`s after moderness in Egypt, The Annual Scientific Conference - Menia University , November 2000
- The Fine dimensions in literature of Youssef Al-Qaaied - Theatre magazine - The General Egyptian Authority of book 2001
- Revelation of material in arts what`s after moderness - Think and Creation magazine 2002
- Hertiage and globalization - The Cultural Ocean Magazine - Minsitry of Culture , Issue 2 - August 2003
- Seen and unseen in Fine art - Visual Culture Center - Qatar , March 2004
- Register high studies in Crtitque institute in Arts Academy
- Register MA about association of the Contemporary art ( Artist/ Mahmoud Khalil) 1977 |
Local recognition |
- Medal of Forum of Grand Cairo Library 1998
- Prize of Superior from Council of the High Institute of Critique - Arts Academy 2004,2005 |
Private collection |
- At art lovers in Saudi Arabia (Riyadh - Al-Quisem) , Canada, New York, United States of America
- At Mr. Daftoun in Cairo
State collection |
- Sports and Youth Care in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Ministry of Culture |
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