The idea of establishing the Information Center of Art and Culture, inaugurated in 5/1/2004 by Minister of Culture Mr. Farouk Housny, stems from the pressing need to keep pace with the worldwide informative revolution in communications of the 20th century. This forward step is taken, to pave the way for students and researchers of all levels (MAs or PhDs) in the Fine Arts field, as a fulfillment of the cultural responsibility of the Egyptian Fine Arts Sector.


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Album :


Artist/ Mohamed Abla One of the Center's Some researchers One of the researchers
Artist/Mohamed Abla while browsing art sites on the internet. One of the Center's officials while helping a researcher. Some researchers while pursuing references at the Center's library One of the researchers while browsing the site of the Fine Arts Sector.
A group of Art students One of the officials Critic/ Mohamed Hamza , Artist/ Mohamed Abla Artist/ George Fekry and Artist/ Khaled Soror
A group of Art students browsing art sites. One of the officials doing researches on the internet. Critic/ Mohamed Hamza , Artist/ Mohamed Abla and the Center's Manager. Artist/ George Fekry and Artist/ Khaled Soror inside the center.
A vertical photo A Swazi delegation A group of schools' Students
A vertical photo showing the privacy available for researchers at the center. A Swiss delegation visiting the center. Prof/El-Said El-Qamash(Manager of Painting Department ,Faculty of Fine Art ,Menia)during his visit to the center. Students browsing the internet.

Address: Information Center of Art and Culture- Mr. and Mrs. Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil Museum-1 Kafour St- Orman Post- next to the State Council. Tel/Fax:02 / 7623176.