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The Centenary of Mustafa Kamel at his Museum
On Mustafa Kamel centenary, Artist\ Mohsen Shaalan ``Head of the Fine Arts Sector`` issued a decree for opening the gates of Mustafa Kamel Museum (Salah Eddin Square- the Citadel) on Tuesday- Feb. 12th 2008- for free giving an opportunity for the mass to recognize a significant part of Egypt`s glorious history. As well, an art and cultural celebration is held starting- on Sunday Feb. 10th 2008- with putting flowers on the departed leader`s tomb who is buried next to the other leaders Mohamed Farid, Abdel Rahman Al-Rafey and Fathy Radwan. While at 11pm of the same day, a play entitled ``The Enamored of Egypt`` is displayed, about the life and struggle of Mustafa Kamel. The celebration runs till Monday Feb. 11th 2008, as a cultural symposium is held at 11:30am with the attendance of Mr.\ Hamed Mohamed Hamed- the Historian and journalist at Donia Al-Nogom (The Stars` World) Magazine- who tackles the Leader`s biography and the intellectual and human aspects that formed his political view and the struggling path he took in his life. Noteworthy that members from the National Democratic Party and the Parliament members of the museum`s area will witness the symposium as well as family members of the patriot Fathi Radwan, a struggle partner of Mustafa Kamel.