Curriculum Vitae
Salwa Hamdy Mohamed Genidy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Salwa Hamdy
Birth date : 4/7/1969
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
Email : salwhamdi,

- BA in Art Education- Helwan University 1993.
- TOEFL diploma from The Faculty of Arts- English Department- Helwan University- 1997.
- Postgraduate Diploma- 1998.
- preparatory MA- in hand made products and folklore- Faculty of Art Education
- of the Fine Artists Syndicate- 3790\ 1106- painting.
- of the Fine Art Lovers Society.
- of Al-Ghoury Society- 445 \ 2001.
- designer at The British Oil Company 1986:1991.
- Kimidar Tours- designer of advertisments and squares beautification .
- Journalist at Al-Mahrousa Touristic Magazine- Here is London- then worked for two monthes at Al-Tahrir Publisher- 1991:1993
- Media Member- Sector of Fine Arts- The Information department - 1993 :1998.
- technical and official of the cultural and media activities- The Art Palace- 1998.
- currently- Media Manager for the General Department of Art Centers.
Places of interest
- Cairo .
Local exhibitions
- has participated in many group exhibitions at the Faculties of Art Education in Cairo and Helwan Universities, local and roving exhibitions.
- has participated in five group exhibitions at private galleries.
- The National Fine Art Exhibition- 26\ 1999.
- Entefada Exhibition- for The Palestinian Children - 2000.
- The annual Fine Art Exhibition- Egypt Artists- Shooting Club- 2000, 2001.
- Nile Culture Channle Exhibition- Moqattam- 2001.
- The Egyptian Woman Creations- inaugurated by Mrs. Suzan Mubarak- 2002.
- 15th Youth Salon - 2003.
- 2nd Festival of Fine creation (31st General exhibition) 2008 .
- worked with critic\ Hassan Othman in (Cairo in Paris) book- The Egyptian Book Administration- 1994.
Local and international Who's Who
- ICAVA encyclopedia 1999.
- Data Bas of Contemporary Pofrican Visual Art .
- Cornell Univeristy .
- Ithaca , Newyork U . S . A .
Publications and activities
- Published some works in newspapers like Al-Akhabar ( Article : Critic/ Thoria Darwesh) .
- Al-Ahram - Sunday page after the National exhibition 1991 .
- Analysis of works in Sound of Palestine magazine - after one of the Local exhibitions.
Local recognition
- investment certificates- Ministry of Education- for Group Exhibitions - 1991.
- awards from the Ministry of Education - 1992.
- award from Cairo University at The Annual Exhibition - 1992 (certificate of Merit)
- Alexandria Sporting Club Order- the Ladies Committee.
Private collection
- at art lovers in Egypt .
State collection
- Faculty of Art Education - Metal Departmet .