Curriculum Vitae
Gamal Mohamed Hosni Abdel-Aziz Hosni
Personal Data
Fame Name : Gamal Hosni
Birth date : 18/10/1970
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA in painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, 1993.
- Member of the International Society of Contemporary Mosaic Artists.
- Fine artist .
- Chief of the Department of Exhibitions and Acquisitions in Alexandria Library.
Places of interest
- Alexandria .
Local exhibitions
- The National Art Competition, 1990.
- Exhibition of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Hurrya Arts Palace, 1991.
- Exhibition of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Hussein Sobhy Fine Arts Museum, 1993.
- Graduation projects exhibitions of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Fine Arts Museum, 1993.
- The Sixth Youth Salon, (painting), 1994.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
Local and international Who's Who
- Youth Salon Encyclopaedia, Second Edition, edited by critic Mohammed Hamz, Sector of Fine Arts Publication, 2002.
Publications and activities
- Took part in many art workshops in Cairo, Alexandria, Rome, Ravine, Orbino, Riga, Calepria, Frankfort, and London.
Local recognition
- Granted state award for art creation.