Curriculum Vitae
Fathi Abdel-Salam Mustafa
Personal Data
Fame Name : Fathi Abdel-Salam
Birth date : 23/12/1945
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Photography
Email : fathi

- Bachelor of Science, University of Alexandria, 1968.
- Ph.D. in Chemistry, Ain Shams University.
- Member of the Egyptian Society for Photography.
- Member of Cairo Atelier.
- Director-general of the labs of research and quality in Yayat company, Al-America, 1991.
- Fine artist and photographer.
Solo shows
- Exhibition in the French Cultural Center (Hliorama 1993), 1994.
- Exhibition at the Italian Cultural Center (Cairo Art Group) May 1993. Exhibition in Spanish Cultural Center (40 image) July 1993.
- Exhibition in Venezuelan Cultural Center (50 paintings) September 1994. Exhibition in - Ekhnaton (3) art gallery in Zamalek Arts Center about “ the fruit of pepper” April 1995.
- Exhibition in the Egyptian Center of International Cultural Cooperation (foreign diplomats) April 1998.
- Exhibition at Zagazig Culture Palace (Cultural Palaces) April 1998.
- Exhibition in Anfoushy Cultural Palace, Alexandria July 1998.
- An exhibit, entitled (shells) Ekhnaton (4) art gallery, Zamalek Arts Center, 1999.
- Exhibition in Indian Cultural Center 1999, 2000.
- Exhibition in Bekar art gallery of the Press Syndicate 2004.
- At the Indian Center - Down Town 207
- At ` Nahdet Misr` Gallery - Mahmoud Mukhtar Cultural Center , June 2007
Local exhibitions
- All exhibits of the Egyptian Society for photography since 1990.
- Exhibitions of Akhbar al-Youm, on the occasion of Mother Day.
- National Exhibition of Fine Arts session (21) 1990.
- Exhibition of the centennial celebration of the Zoo, 1991.
- Exhibition at the Italian Cultural Center 1993.
- French Cultural Center exhibits 1993, 1994.
- Nile II Exhibition 1995.
- National Exhibition of Fine Arts session (24) 1995, (25) 1997, (26) 1999.
- Egyptian Exhibition Center of International Cultural Cooperation (foreign diplomats) 1997.
- Exhibitions Cultural Palaces Authority (Zagazig 1998) palace of culture Alanvoschi 1998 Menia , Alexandria Assiut Tanta 2001.
- saloon annual Latilih Cairo 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 2003.
- The Third Salon of Mini Works of Art, 1999, Fourth 2000.
- Exhibition (vehicles creative) Zamalek Arts Center, 2001.
- Telecom International Photo Exhibition imaging equipment, Competition place on the sidelines of the exhibition, Hall Cairo conference, Cairo 2001.
- The Salon of Mini Works of Art, Fifth 2002 VI 2003.
- Exhibition Hall Michael Angelo 2003. - National Exhibition of Fine Arts session (28) 2003.
- The 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art, 2004.
- The Fifth Nile Salon for Photography, 2004.
- National Exhibition of Fine Arts session (29) 2005.
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007)
- 6th Nile Salon of Photography 2007 .
International exhibitions
- “Sweet Pepper” Exhibition in Egyptian Academy in Rome 1997.
- Malta optical imaging Exhibition 1998.
- Sofia Exhibition for Photography, Bulgaria 1998.
- “Sweet Pepper” Exhibition in Germany, city of Cologne, 1999.
- The 6th Cairo International Biennale for Ceramics, 2002.
- Frankfurt International Book Exhibition 2005.
- Exhibition ( The European month of Photographs) - Austria 2006
- Moscow exhibition about Egypt in Past , Present and Future - November 2005 ( as a Comassaire and exhibitor)
- Mandated by the National Center for the Fine Arts offer in Malta.
- Mandated by the Minister of Culture presentation at the Academy of Arts in Rome 1997.
Local recognition
- Third award in the Hall of the Fine Association February 1991.
- First award for colorful segments from Rotary Cosmopolitan exhibition in Hilton Ramses, April 1991.
- Promotional award in the centennial anniversary of the Zoo, March 1991. Promotional award in exhibits of Akhbar al-Youm, on the occasion of Mother Day.
- First and second prize, Hall of Press Syndicate in Cairo, March 1992.
- First award in the major gallery of Al-Ahram newspaper, February 1993.
- Third prize in Cairo Atelier, February 1994.
- Excellence Cup for photography in the Global Competition of B.M.W Company, February 1994.
- Second prize in Nile Competition, Faculty Polytechnic 1995.
- Second prize in the World Lipton Competitions, February 1999.
- First prize in the International Exhibition Telecom Photo imaging equipment, Competition place on the sidelines of the exhibition, Hall Cairo conference, Cairo 2001.
International recognition
- Won the bronze medal in the world competition , (on the occasion of the fourth decade of the Family) under the auspices of UNESCO in Tokyo-Japan 1993.
- Diploma of the Fourth International Festival-Baghdad 1994.
Private collection
- Among collections of art lovers and foreign cultural institutions in Egypt and abroad.
State collection
- The Ministry of Culture.
- The Cultural Development Fund.
- Talaat Harb Library in Sayeda Nafisa.
- Museum of Egyptian Modern Art.