Curriculum Vitae
Ragab Amier Ibrahim Badran
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ragab Amier
Birth date : 18/7/1945
Place of birth : North Sinai
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts, Oil painting department 1972
- Founder member of 2000 the Egyptian association of Fine Arts - Kuwait
- Specialist of Fine arts at Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace , Alexandria 1973
- Director of Al-Qabary culture house in Alexandria 1974
- Deputy of Al-Shataby Culture palace in Alexandria 1975
- Teaching Art education in Kuwait schools 1976-1990
- Teaching Oil painting in Kuwait schools 1992 - 2007
Places of interest
- North Sinai
- Alexandria
- Cairo
- Kuwait
Solo shows
- 1st Exhibition of 2000 association of Fine arts 2001
- 2nd Exhibition of 2000 association of Fine arts 2002
- 3rd Exhibition of 2000 association of Fine arts 2007
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Alumni of Painting department in Faculty of Fine arts - Cairo 1972 at gallery of the Swfiet Cultural Center
- 1st Exhibition of death memory of Abdel Nasser at gallery of the Central committee of the socialist union 1972
- 1st and 2nd Exhibition of Sinai sons at gallery of the Central committee of the socialist union 1972-1973
- Exhibition of Sinai artists at gallery of Al-Shataby Culture palace , Alexandria 1973
Local recognition
- 2nd Painting prize in Abdel Nasser exhibition
International recognition
- - Certificate of Merit from the Scientific museum in Kuwait
- Certificates of Merit from Ministry of Education in Kuwait
- Certificates of Merit from Kuwait association of Guides
Private collection
- At some famous characters in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia
- At many governmental authorities in Kuwait
State collection
- The National council of Arts and Culture in Kuwait