Curriculum Vitae
Ihsan Khalil Gergis
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ihasn Khalil
Birth date : 11/9/1924
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 24/12/2011
Activities : Painting

- Diploma from the High Institute of the Female teachers of Arts 1954 .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 74/5 Painting .
- Member of the Syndicate of the Educational Professions..
- Employee in the Adminstration of the Art Researches .
- Head of the Life and Art Center which was under supervison of Artist/ Hamed Saeed in Al-Menstarly Palace.
Places of interest
- Cairo .
Local exhibitions
- Cairo Salon 1944,1945 .
- The National Exhibition 1995 .
- In Al-Senary House ( Life and Art Center) .
International exhibitions
- Exhibition with Life and Art`s Friends in Paris 1978,1979 .
- Exhibition with Life and Art`s Friends in Venzia 1979 .
Local recognition
- 2nd Prize in exhibition of Cairo Salon 1944 , 1945 (Painting) .