Curriculum Vitae
Mahmoud Ragab Al-Said Gaffar
Personal Data
Birth date : 26/12/1979
Place of birth : Damietta
Activities : Arabic Calligraphy
Email :

- Diploma of Arabic calligraphy 2000 .
- Diploma of Arabic calligraphy improvement 2003 .
- Member of the Egyptian association of Arabic calligraphy .
- Currently teacher and supervisor at Om Al-Moamienen school of Arabic calligraphies , Damietta .
- He worked of teaching of Arabic calligraphy after his graduating from 2001 until now..
Local exhibitions
- 1st Exhibition of the youth calligraphers , the Egyptian Opera House 2007 .
- 6th Exhibition of Arabic calligraphy at Talaat Harb Cultural Center - The Cultural Development Fund - Ministry of Culture , September 2008 .