Curriculum Vitae
Younes Nasef Youness
Personal Data
Fame Name : Younes Nasef Youness
Birth date : 1/12/1977
Place of birth : Tanta
Activities : Sculpture
Email : ,

- BA in Finr Arts- Sculpture- 2000.
- Archaeology Restoration Diploma- 2003.
- preparatory MA- Restoration- 2004.
- MA in restoration and maintainance
- assistant researcher- faculty of Fine Arts- Alexandria- Tops
Solo shows

Local exhibitions
- at the Fine Arts Faculty- 1996.
- The New Commers Exhibition- 1997.
- The University City- 1996- 2000.
- 1st and 2nd Hexahedron- 1997- 1998.
- Nagy Salon- 1996- 1999.
- Alexandria Youth Salon- 2004.
- The Samll Works Exhibition (Alexandria Biennale) 2005.
- at the Fine Artists Syndicate- Alexandria Biennale- 2006.
- The Generation- The Golden Jubilee of the Faculty of Arts- 2006.
- workshop at the Creation Center- 2007.
- at the Arts Palace- 2007.
- participated in beautification of Alexandria- 1995 till now.
- maquette of Glem Square - 1997.
- excuting works for The Organizing and Managment Administration- The Military Forces- 2001.
- sculptures and decorations of Azzaz Village- 2002.
- sculptures and decorations- Cleopatra Hotel- 2003.
- sculptures and decorations- Mukhtar Stores- Mahatet al-Raml- 2004.
- Mural Sculpture- Demmyat New Port- 2004.
- 4 marble statues- entrance of Rehab City- Cairo- 2005.
- Mural at Alfa Ceramic Show- Cairo - 2005.
- excuting many architecural facets with GRC- from 2005 till now.
- excuting some artworks at palestine Hotel- 2006.
- Sculptures and Murals in Lebanon (Motawea Ali Team)- 2007
Local recognition
- won many awards and certificates of merit.
Private collection
- at art lovers and administrations in Egypt.