Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Al-Fouly Moawad Khalil
Personal Data
Fame Name : Al-Fouly
Birth date : 6/11/1934
Activities : Sculpture

- of the Fine Artists Syndicate - sculpture.
- founding member of the Egyptian Theater Club society.
- founding member of Ramsis Theater Amatures Society.
- founding member of Yousef Wahby Friends- Society.
- Head of the Art Department - Youth Administration - Fayoum.
- currently pensioner.
Local exhibitions
- 5th National Exhibition 1973 .
- The Revolution Achievments.
- The Fine Art and ramadan Battle.
- Many group exhibitions with artists from Cairo and Fayoum .
- the first to sclupt a statue for Youssef wahby in fayoum. (assigned by Dr\ Abdel-Rahim Shehata Fayoum Governorate) .
- the first to command building a regional Museum in Fayoum 1962 .
- the first to command building a theater in Fayoum .
- spread the Puppet show in most of The Youth Centers .
Local recognition
- some certficates of merit from The Ministry of Culture and Ministry Tourism.
International recognition
- Bronz Medal during his scholarship in France- experince exchange of the Youth Theater (between Fayoum and France) .