Curriculum Vitae
Ibrahim Ahmed Ahmed al-Sayed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ibrahim al-Sayed
Birth date : 1/12/1964
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Sculpture
Email :

- PhD in marble sculpture-architectural faces- Faculty of Fine Arts- Piza University- Italy.

- lecturer of sculpture, Faculty of Specific Education- Mansoura University .
Solo shows
- special gallery (dialogue with nature) - Egyptian cultural office - Rome- Italy- 2004.
- The Woman`s Day Exhibition- The Egyptian Cultural Center- Rome- Italy- 2005.
- Diaries of an Egyptian- Karara City for Marble- Italy- 2006.
- Special gallery in the horsemanship club, Austia Province- Italy- Rome- 2006.
- egytpian Melodies- The International Marble Museum- Krara- Italy- 2007.
State collection
- the Egyptian Cultural Center- Rome- Italy.
- The Faculty of Fine Arts- Pisa Univeristy- Italy.
- The Marble Museum- Krara- Italy.