Curriculum Vitae
Hassan Al-Agaty Muhammad Al-Agaty
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hassan Al-Agaty
Birth date : 25/5/1923
Date of death : /4/1979
Activities : Sculpture

-Diploma of High Institute of Applied Arts 1948
-National Diploma of Arts in Sculpture Design (N.D.D), London 1952
-Diploma of Central School of Arts in Sculpture, London 1953 (Moor)
-Instructor in Faculty of Applied Arts
-Associate Professor in Faculty of Applied Arts
-Professor and Head of Sculpture Department in Faculty of Applied Arts
Places of interest
Traditional places in Cairo, Alexandria, regions in Upper Egypt, Nuba and Aswan
Solo shows
-At London 1953
-At Cairo 1954
-After his death at (Ekhnaton 2) gallery in Arts Center, Zamalek, April 1990. It was entitled (Exhibition of artist Hassan Al-Agaty and his students).
Local exhibitions
-Participated in a number of collective exhibitions since 1946 till his death like Cairo Saloon 1954, 1962.
-Exhibition inspired by indusralization, Minister of Culture 1961.
International exhibitions
-Biennale, Vince
-Artigana, Florance
-wandaring exhibition, all over Europe.
-To England to study sculpture 1950
Local recognition
-Mokhtar Prize, 1940`s
-First Prize of Cairo Saloon 1954, 1962
-First Prize of Sculpture (Inspired by Industrialization), Minister of Culture 1961
-Prize of Merit named after `Hassan Al-Agaty`, 10th of Ramadan Contest 1979
International recognition
-Encouraging Prize 1970 for his statue(Mother)
Private collection
-Cairo, Alexandria, England, USA, Spain, Italy
State collection
-Museum of Egyptian Modern Art
-Faculty of Applied Arts
-Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria
-This artist of anticipating vision and sight presents all what is new in a sentimental way. He created a new concept of everlasting relation between mass and space using a number or materials in a distinctive way as a creative artist capable of using the right technique for each material.
-This artist won the prize of 1946 while he was still a student in Faculty of 1946, and his professors appreciate him. He has won a number of first prizes which indicates his pioneering as a sculptor and a creator of a new school in art that affected the artistic movement in Egypt and Arab world for decades.
-This artist is considered one of the great sculptors who had a significant role in the contemporary fine movement through his works of sculpture whether they were of stones, wood or bronze.
-This is the artist who expressed truthfully using the diagnostic expressive technique and the diagnostic abstractive technique in a developed artistic production that is considered till now an essential content of the contemporary artistic movement in Egypt.
-Hassan Al-Agaty originated an artistic school which affirms his pioneering role through his work as a professor of sculptor in Faculty of Applied Arts, and teaching to many artists who lead the artistic movement now, and have an effective prints in the contemporary art of sculptor.
-Hassan Al-Agaty- may Allah bless his soul- will remain an immortal artist with his genuine works and distinguished devotion, and will remain a model for all the artists and students of sculptor.
Prof./ Ahmed Sayed Atta
Dean of Faculty of Applied Arts