Curriculum Vitae
Alaa Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed
Personal Data
Birth date : 23/8/1983
Place of birth : Giza
Activities : Painting

- BA of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education - Cairo University 2005
- Board member of Wisdom Association of Technology and Arts
Solo shows
- Exhibition in ` Abdel Salam Al-Sherif` Gallery - Journalists Syndicate , June 2006
Local exhibitions
- The participation in exhibition of Specify Education Students - Cairo University
- Collective exhibition in the Circle Hall - Syndicate of Fine Artists - Opera 1995
-7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
- 5th Nile Salon of Photogreaphy 2004
- Exhibition of 7th Week of Universities Youth - Mansoura University , Febraury 2005
International exhibitions
- 1st exhibition of Association of Fine Arts Friends - Douha - Qatar 1996
Local recognition
- Encouragment prize from exhibition of the 7th Week of Universities Youth - Mansoura University , February 2005
State collection
- Al-Gasra Social and Cultural Club - Douha - Qatar