Curriculum Vitae
Omar Hussien Shaaban
Personal Data
Fame Name : Omar Shaaban
Birth date : 29/12/1943
Date of death : /11/2011
Activities : Caricature

- Free studies in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Cairo
- Member of the Egyptian Caricature Association
- Member of Cairo Atelier
- Member of the National Association of Fine Arts
- Member of the Egyptian Association of Fine Arts critics
- Worked in the Egyptian Journalism as caricaturist since 1959
- Worked as Fine Critic in Al-Masaa newspaper with Mr.Ahmed Al-Gouali , Al-Qahaira newspaper and the Cultural ocean magazine
- Worked in Sabah Al-Khier magazine
- Worked as Inforamtion responsible in the Office of the Folk Side to liberate South of Yemen
Local exhibitions
- 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
-2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
Publications and activities
- Some of his critical writtings translated to the Spanish Language
- His drawings published in Kuwait , Jordan , Saudi Arabia , Aughanda
- His articles published in Al-Youm newspaper , Al-Anabaa Kuwait