Curriculum Vitae
Neveen Farghali Baioumi Al-Said
Personal Data
Fame Name : Neveen Farghali
Birth date : 24/4/1973
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Installation
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University
- MA in Architecture beautification - Faculty of Applied Arts 2001
- PhD on Applied Arts 2007
- Member of the Syndicate of Applied Arts Designers .
- Researcher in Faculty of Applied Arts 1997:2001.
- - Assistant Instructor in the Faculty of Applied Arts 2001:2006 .
- Instructor in Faculty of Applied Arts 2007 .
Local exhibitions
- 1st and 2nd Exhibition of Acquistions of Helwan University 1996, 1997
- Competitions of the Supreme Council of Sport and Youth
- Exhibition accompaning to Symposium of `Role of Faculties of Applied Arts in Serve Society` 2001
- 16th Youth Salon 2004
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
Publications and activities
- Workshop of 2nd Grafittii festival at Mahmoud Mukhtar Cultural Center in Mahmoud Mukhtar museum, November 2008 .