Curriculum Vitae
Rasha Ragab Mohammed Ibrahim
Personal Data
Fame Name : Rasha Ragab
Birth date : 17/2/1971
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
Email :

BA in law from Cairo University, 1996.
Diploma in fine arts from the High Institute of Art Criticism, Arts Academy, 2005.
Computer analyst at the Egyptian Modern Art Museum, the Ministry of Culture.
Secretary of the Permanent Committee of the Egyptian Modern Art Museum.
Director of Dimensions art gallery at the Egyptian Modern Art Museum.
Solo shows
Ekhnaton(4) art gallery,Arts Center , Zamalek 2003,2005.
- At ` Al-Hussien Fawzy` gallery in Geizira Arts Center , April 2008
Local exhibitions
The 6th, 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art, 2003,2004.
The 16th Youth Salon, 2004.
The 17th Youth Salon, 2005.
The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
- Salon of Mini Circle Works of Art - Portrait Gallery - Down Town 2006
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
Assistant-Commissiare of the Panorama of Egyptian Contemporary Art (Hundred Years, Hundred Artists, Hundred Artworks), Alexandria Library, 2003.
Supervised a private art gallery for three years, 1999 to 2002.
Publications and activities
Laid out three biography duration of the late artists Mahmoud Affify, Saad el-Khadem and Mohammed Mustafa for the Sector of Fine Arts publications.