Curriculum Vitae
Eman Mohamed Hamdy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Eman Hamdy
Birth date : 4/10/1964
Activities : Painting

- BA of Art Education
- PhD of Philosophy in Art Education - Art Culture Section 1994
- Teacher in the Art Culture Department - Faculty of Art Education
Solo shows
- Staged many Solo exhibitions from 1992 to 1997
Local exhibitions
-5th Youth Salon 1993, 6th 1994, 7th 1995, 8th 1996, 9th 1997, 10th 1998
- 21st General exhibition of Fine Arts 1990
- 22nd General exhibition of Fine Arts 1991
-23rd National exhibition of Fine Arts 1993
-24th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1995
-25th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1997
- 1st Salon of Mini Works of Art 1997, 2nd 1998, 3rd 1999
- 28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2003
Private collection
- At individuals inside Egypt and abroad
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art
- Minsitry of Culture