Curriculum Vitae
Sabah Mohamed M.Shehata
Personal Data
Birth date : 22/6/1967
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Painting
Email :

- Commercial Technical Institute 1991
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Writers and Artists Association in Alexandria Atelier
- Member of America Sound Club - The American Cultural Center
- Member of Al-Anfoshi Culture Palace
Solo shows
- In the American Cultural Center 1995
Local exhibitions
-5th Youth Salon 1993
- In Al-Mahrous Hotel 1994
- In the American Cultural Center
- The Participation in 4th Port Said Biennale 1998, 5th 2001
- The Participation in many exhibitions and competitions related to Ministry of Sport and Youth from 1989 to 2001
-In Adham and Sief wenly Gallery - Al-Horreya Culture Palace 1990, 1992
- Exhibition related to Alexandria Atelier in the 1st Spring Festival - Al-Montazha Gardens 2001
- Exhibition related to Authority of Arts and Political Sciences - Al-Horreya Culture Palace
-The Participation in Nagy Annual Salon from 1st to 7th Session
- In Physicans Club 2001
- Youth Salon in Alexandria Atelier 2001, 2002
- Salon 23 - Geothe Institute - Alexandria
- 14th Youth Salon 2002 - Cairo
-6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2003 - Cairo
Local recognition
- Prizes from Nagy Annual Salon:
- Jury prize in Drawing and Sculpture field 1997 - Certificate of Merit 1996
- 1st prize in Drawing 1998
- 2nd prize - Painting 1999
- 1st Prize - Drawing 2000
-3rd prize - Ceramics 2002
-1st Position and Certificate of Merit 1989
Private collection
-At individuals in Egypt and abroad
State collection
- Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace - Alexandria