Curriculum Vitae
Gamal Barakat Mohsen Ramadan
Personal Data
Fame Name : Gamal Barakat Mohsen
Birth date : 12/7/1977
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Education - Mathematic Department 1999 .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists in Alexandria .
Local exhibitions
- Pioneers exhibitions in Mustafa Kamel Culture Palace 1994
- Exhibition of Youth dreams ` Spring` 1995
- Exhibition ` Pioneers of Studios` 1996
- Exhibitions ` Ramadinat` - Mustafa Kamel Culture Palace 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001
- Fine exhibitions in the Academy of Scientific Research 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
- Exhibitions ` Alexandria in her sons eyes` 1997, 1998, 2000
- Exhibitions ` Ramadinat` Al-Anfoshi Culture Palace 1998, 1999
- 1st Nagy Salon of Youth 2000, 2nd 2001
- Youth Salon of Alexandria Atelier 2000
- Exhibitions of the Spontaneous artists in their Fine Creations 1997, 1998
- 12th Youth Salon 2000, 13th 2001 - Cairo
- The Opening exhibition of Horreya Creation Center 2001
- 5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002
- Exhibition of 4 Youth artists in the Gallery of Artist/ Mohamed Rasheed 2002 - Alexandria .
- 14th Youth Salon 2002 - Cairo
- 1st Exhibition of Members of the National Party in Alexandria Creation Center 2003
- 15th Youth Salon 2003 - Cairo .
International exhibitions
- 22nd International Exhibition of Fine Arts 1994 .
Local recognition
- 1st prize of Fine Art - Opera House 1997 .
- 1st Prize of Fine Art - Al-Ahram House 1997 .
- 1st and 2nd position in exhibitions of Academy of Scientific Research 1996, 1997, 1998
- 2nd prize in ` Computer Graphic` - 12th Youth Salon 2000 .
International recognition
- Silver medal in the 22nd International exhibition of Fine Arts 1994 .