Curriculum Vitae
Hani Mohamed Fareed Mustafa Ali
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hani Fareed
Birth date : 18/7/1981
Place of birth : Giza
Activities : Photography

- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts - Department of Television, Cinema and Photography - Helwan University 2003
- Member of the Syndicate of Applied Arts Designers 8607
- Member of the Egyptian Association of Photography
Places of interest
- Cairo , Giza
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Press Illustration - The Russian Cultural Center 2000
- Photo Egypt Exhibition - Conferences Center - Nasr City 2000
-4th Nile Salon of Photography 2002 - Palace of Arts
- Exhibition and Competition of Helwan University 2002, 2003
- 14th Youth Salon 2002, 15th 2003
-28th National Exhibition of Fine Arts 2003
International exhibitions
- Amman exhibition ` The General Cultural` 2001
- Iraq International exhibition in Baghadad 2001, 2002
- Film about Museum of Faculty of Applied Arts
Local recognition
- 2nd prize - Photography in exhibition of Helwan University 2002
- Jury prize ( Computer Graphic Media) exhibition of Helwan University 2003