Curriculum Vitae
Gihan Maher Walliem
Personal Data
Fame Name : Gihan Maher
Birth date : 28/8/1964
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Agriculture - Suez Canal University 1985 .
- Member of the National Association of Fine Arts .
- Member of Association of Al-Ghury Agency .
- Member of Asala Association .
- Member of Cairo Atelier .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists .
- Agronomist .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
- Ismalia
Solo shows
- In Cairo Atelier 2003 .
- In `Mohamed Nagy` Gallery - Cairo Atelier , May 2005 .
- In `Kalema` Gallery - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy , November 2005 .
- Exhibition entitle ` Selections` - Arabesque Gallery , November 2006 .
Local exhibitions
- The Annual Salons of the National Association for 4 years .
- Exhibition ` Ramadan nights` - Zienab Khatoun Palace .
- Exhibitions of Artists of the National Association of Fine Arts .
- Exhibition ` Star of Art` in the German Egyptian Cultural Center .
- The Annual exhibition in Heliopolis Club for 4 years .
- Collective exhibitions in Private ateliers like : Shadecir m Bicaso Atelier .
- 22nd Exhibition of Association of Al-Ghury artists - Silver feast of the Association and its Annual Salon .
- Exhibition ` Ramadan nights` - The German Egyptian Cultural Center .
- The Annual Atelier Salon
- Triple exhibition ` Egyptian Sights` - Michael Angolo 2001
- Exhibition of Mini Works - Suzan Mubarak Library 2002
- Exhibition ` Creations of Artists of the National Association in the Indian Cultural Center 2002 .
- 1st Spring Salon of Sakiet Al-Sawy .
- 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2003 .
International exhibitions
- 2nd International exhibition of Drawing on Procalien - Horizon one Gallery - Mr. and Mrs. Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil Museum - Giza , Egypt 2003 .
Local recognition
- Certificates of Merit from Heliopolis Sporting Club 2001,2002,2003 .
- Certificates of Merit from the German Cultural Center 2001,2002 .
Private collection
- At individuals inside Egypt and abroad .
State collection
- Fine Arts Sector - Ministry of Culture .
- Authority of Investment .