Curriculum Vitae
Hoda Abdel Hafiez Al-Sadek Mohamed Abdel Gawad
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hoda Al-Sadek
Birth date : 7/3/1972
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Art Education 2001 - Helwan University
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 4901 - Ceramics Section
- Teaching Fine Arts - Painting - Ceramics , Sculpture , Print in one of the Private Educational Centers - Nasr City
- Currently Teacher of Art Education in one of the Govermental Schools
Places of interest
- Cairo
Local exhibitions
- In the Faculty of Engineering - Ain Shams University 2000,2001
- In Horus Gallery - Faculty of Art Education 2001
-5th and 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002,2003
-15th Youth Salon 2003
-7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
- Teaching Students of Faculty of Engineering - Ain Shams University some Art activities and made exhibitions of some private products 2000,2001
- Make cadastral study of the Glass and Silver Gallery of Abdieen palace Museums 2001
Publications and activities
- The participation in the 1st Workshop in the Faculty of Art Education - Zamalek 2000, 2nd 2001
Local recognition
- Prize of prof/ Abdel Al-Ghani Al-Shal ` Ex- Dean of the Faculty of Art Education and currently Freelance professor`2001