Curriculum Vitae
Rasha Ahmed Saad Amien
Personal Data
Birth date : 17/4/1981
Place of birth : Giza
Activities : Photography

- BA of Faculty of Art Education - Photography Department 2003
Local exhibitions
- Two exhibitions in Faculty of Art Education 1999 - 2000
-13th and 14th Youth Salon 2001,2002
-4th Nile Salon of Photography 2002
-5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002
- Exhibition of the empiricism workshop in Faculty of Art Education 2000,2001,2002
- Exhibition of Fine Arts in University 2002
- 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2003
-5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
Publications and activities
- Participated in workshops accompanied to Prof/ Ahmed Nawar exhibition - Arts Center , Zamalek 2002
Local recognition
- Encouragement prize `photography` - Exhibition of Fine Arts in University 2002