Curriculum Vitae
Sabry Nashed Athnasious
Personal Data
Fame Name : Sabry Nashed
Birth date : 1/1/1938
Place of birth : Qena
Date of death : 30/9/2015
Activities : Sculpture

- BA in sculpture- Faculty of Applied Arts- 1962.
- Board Member of the Fine Arts Lovers Society- 1980- 1986.
- Board Member of the Fine Artists Syndicate- 1980- 1985.
- Member of the Fine Arts Committee at the Supreme Council of Culture- 1985- 1990.
- Member of Art Section of the National Specialised Councils- 1996.
- Member of the Art Section and the Exhibitions Committee at the Supreme Council of Culture- 2004.
- Head of Gezira Art Center.
- Head of the Art Registry Administration.
- General Supervisor for the Art Museums.
- General Supervisor for the Architecture Beautification Body.
- General Manager for Museums and Exhibitions.
Solo shows
- at Goethe gallery- German Cultural Center- Cairo- 1969.
- at Sohag Cultural Palace- 1970- 1971.
- at the Egytpian Center for Iternational Cultural Cooperation- (Foregin Diplomats) Zamalek- 1980.
- Al-Salam Gallery- National Fine Arts Center- 1982.
- at the Artists Corner- Maadi- Cairo- 1982.
- at Ekhnatoun Gallery-0- Art Center, Zamalek - 1984.
- at the Egyptian Center for Iternational Cultural Cooperation- (Foregin Diplomats) Zamalek- 1986.
- at the German Cultural Center- Goethe Gallery- Alexandria- 1987.
- at the Italian Cultural Center- Port Said- 1988.
- at the Egytpian Center for Iternational Cultural Cooperation- (Foregin Diplomats) Zamalek- 2002.
- at the Fine Arts Gallery- Cairo Opera House- 2004.
Local exhibitions
- `Inspirations of the Arabic History`- 1961.
- `Art and the Battle`- 1970.
- the Pioneers Exhibition (Fine Arts Lovers Society- Cairo- 1970.
- Cairo Salon- 1971.
- the General Fine Art Exhibition session 11- 1981.
- the General Fine Art Exhibition session 12- 1982.
- Hafez and Shawky Competition- National Fine Art Center- Ministry of Culture- 1983.
- the General Fine Art Exhibition session 13- 1983.
- the General Fine Art Exhibition session 14- 1984.
- Exhibition of Artist\ Hassan Al-Agalaty and his Students- Ekhnatoun 2 Gallery- Art Center Zamalek- 1990.
- the National Fine Art Exhibition honorees, session- 26-1999.
- Artists For Peace- Jourmnalists Syndicate- 2004.
- 1st Sculpture Salon of Noble Materials- Arts palace- (special invitation) 2005.
- International Artists Symposium- Fine Arts Gallery- Cairo Opera House- 2006.
- Language of Art- Fine Arts Gallery- Opera House- 2006.
International exhibitions
- Internatonal African Art Exhibition- Nairobi- 1971.
- 10th Alexandria Biennale - Egypt- 1974.
- 8th International Art Exhibition- India- 1982.
- Small Sculpture Biennale- Budapest- Hungary- 1984.
- 1st Cairo International Biennale- Egypt- 1984.
- the Egyptian Exhibition- China- 1985,
- the Egyptian Exhibition- India- 1985.
- the Egyptian Contemporary Art Exhibition- Jordan- 1985.
- Havana International Biennale- Cuba- 1986.
- 19th Sao Paolo- Brazil- 1987.
- the Egyptian Art Exhibition- the Soviet Union- Russia- 1988- 1989.
- the Egyptian Contemporary Art Exhibition- Kuwait- 1989.
- the Egyptian Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition- Rome- Italy- 1990.
- Small Sculpture Triennale- Budapest- Hungary- 1990.
- International Alexandria Biennale- 1994.
- International Alexandria Biennale- 1997.
- Lazikia International Biennale- Syria- 1999.
- the Egyptian Contemporary Art Exhibition- Tunis- 2001.
- was granted the state 6 years scholarship to study wood sculpture- 1978- 1984.
-a documentary entitled `Wood Varieties`about his works and wood sculpture was produced by the Ministry of Culture- National Documentary Center- 1981.
- was assigned to produce a relief mural (2x7m Polister) about forcing out the enemies from Egypt- October Panoaram.
Local and international Who's Who
- his name was registered in the National Famous Egyptians Encyclopedia- 1 edition (General Information Administration)- 1989.
- his name was registered in the Egyptian Figures of the 20th Century- (Medil East News Agency)- 1996.
Local recognition
- prize from the Arabic History Inspirations- 1961.
- the Sculpture prize- `Art and Battle Exhibition` - 1970.
- certificate of merit from the Pioneers Exhibition (Fine Art Lovers Society) Cairo1970.
- 1st Sculpture Prize- Cairo salon- 1971.
- 1st prize- (Mukhtar open air sculpture prize) 1973.
- Certificate of Merit from the Fine Art Lovers Society- 1973.
- Order of Merit for open air sculpture- natinal Fine Art Center- 1981.
- Order of Merit from the National Fine Art Exhibition- session 11- 1981.
- Order of Merit from the National Fine Art Exhibition- session 12- 1982.
- 2nd sculpture prize - hafez and Shawky Competition- National Fine Art Center- Ministry of Culture- 1983.
- 3rd sculpture prize - National Fine Art Exhibition- session 14- 1984.
- the State promotion prize in sculpture- 1989.
- certificate of merit from the Ministry of Defence- (General Manager of Military Forces and Minister of Defence and Military Production- 1989.
- Certificate of Merit from the faculty of Medicine- Cairo University- 1990.
- Certificate of Merit from the General Administration of Information- 1991.
- Order of Merit from of the First Class- from the President- 1991.
- Certificate of Merit from Mansoura University- 1997.
- Certificate of Merit from Andalusia Culture and Science Establishment- 1997.
- Certificate of Merit from the faculty of Education- Cairo- 2000.
- was honored by the Faculty of Applied Arts- 1988.
- was honored by the Ministry of Culture at the National Exhibition- 1999.
- was honored by the Ministry of Culture- Aswan University- (the International Sculpture Symposium- Aswan) 2002.
International recognition
- certificate of merit from the Small sculpture Biennale- Budapest- Hungary- 1974.
- 2nd Prize of the 1st Cairo International Biennale- 1984.
- certificate of merit from the Small sculpture Biennale- Budapest- Hungary- 1990.
- certificate of merit from Alexandria International Biennale- 1994.
- 1st prize of the open air sculpture - Andalusia Establishment- 1997.
- certificate of merit from Alexandria International Biennale- 1997.
- Jury committee prize- Alexandria International Biennale- 1997.
- 2nd prize of Lazekia International Biennale- Syria- 1999.
Private collection
- at art lovers in Egypt and abroad.
State collection
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs- 1962.
- Ministry of Culture- Modern Art Museum since 1966 till now.
- the Theater Aministration- 1983.
- African Art Museum- Washington- 1974.
- Tito Museum- Yugoslavia- 1985.
- the Under Ground- Gamal Abdel-Naser Station- 1986.
- Egypt Opera House- 1989.
- The Grand Conference Hall- Naser City- 1989.
- 6 October Panorama- 1990.
- Economy and Foreign Trade Bank.
- Suez Canal Bank.
- Nationa Bank of Egypt.
- Heliopolis Club.
- Alexandria Faculty of Fine Arts.
- Menia Faculty of Fine Arts..
- Faculty of Art Education.