Curriculum Vitae
Hamed Al-Said Mohamed Al-Bazra
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hamed Al-Bezra
Birth date : 19/5/1948
Place of birth : Damietta
Activities : Metalwork
Email :

- BA of the High Institute of Art Education 1970
- MA in Art Education 1976
- PhD of Philosophy of Art Education 1981
- Member of association of Fine arts lovers, Cairo
- Member of Syndicate of Fine artists
- Lecturer in Faculty of Art Education , Zamalek since 1970
- Assistant instructor in Faculty of Art Education 1977
- Assistant professor in Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University 1992
-Appointed as Head of Art Education department in Faculty of Preparation teachers
- Professor of Metal works in Faculty of Art Eduction, Helwan University 1998.
- Deputy of Faculty of Art Education of Education affairs and students , Helwan University 2003,2004,2005
Solo shows
- At pioneers magazine 1970
- At Faculty of Art Education 1970
- At Horus gallery- Faculty of Art Education 1991, 1996,1997
- At Cairo Atelier, October 1996
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition `Art and battle` 1971
-12th exhibition of the one subject 1971
- The General Annual exhibition of Fine arts 71-72-73-75-1976
- Friends exhibition 1972
- Exhibition Art and revolution 1972
- 6th Exhibition of Posters and photographs 1972
-11th Spring exhibition - association of Fine arts alumni 1972
-49th Cairo Salon - association of Fine arts lovers 1973
-14th Pioneers exhibition (association of Fine arts lovers) 1974
-1st Jewlery festival at Geizira Arts Cenetr, January 2002
-1st Drawing Salon (Black - White) at Geizira Arts Center, May 2004
International exhibitions
- 1st Arab Youth festival , Algeria 1972
- The Arab youth festival , Moscow 1973
- Member of Jury Committee of the Scientific committee of Arts and Art Education
- Member of Jury Committee in competitions of Fine Arts
- Casts many General lectures like lecture about Prof. Saad Al-Khadem at his museum in Manshiet Al-Bakry
- Appointed Head of Art Education in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Participated in organize the 1st International Medical symposium of Children -
- Casts General lecture about the Islamic monuments and its shapes and General features
- Design and established Folk museum 1987 in Faculty of Teachers preparation
- The Art and Scientific participation on Training programmes of Teacher of Art Education since 1984
- The General supervision of many General exhibitions of Helwan University like:
- 10th Exhibition of Fine arts , March 1985
- Appointed Deputy of Faculty of Art Education of Education affairs and students 2003/2004/2005
- Participated in Jury Committees of the Scientific researches of Art Education researches magazine
- Participated in many events of the Scientific conferences in Faculty of Art Education and Faculty of Specific Education
Publications and activities
- Supervised on many thesises in Faculties of Art Education and Speicific Education and Education
Local recognition
- Painting prize and Certificate of Merit from association of Arts lovers 1971
- Painting prize in Art and battle exhibition 1971
- Encouragement prize and Certificate of Merit in the 6th exhibition of posters 1972
- 3rd Painting prize from the Supreme council of Youth 1977
-1st Prize from the Supreme Council of Youth 1978
- Prize from Pioneers and Youth exhibition of Fine arts , Ministry of Youth 1998
- Medal and Certificate of Merit , Museum of Faculty of Art Education 2000
- Certificate of Merit from Head of Fine Arts Sector in 1st Jewlery festival 2002
- Certificate of Merit in occasion of 7th* 8th Annual Scientific conference of Faculty of Specific Education in Damietta, Mansoura University 2006,2007
International recognition
- Certificate of Merit from the High Institute of Arts and Crafts - Tunisia 2006
Private collection
At 15th General exhibition of Fine Arts 1985
-At Secretart of the Kuwait association of Fine arts
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art , Cairo
- Ministry of Education and Teaching
- Ministry of Culture