Curriculum Vitae
Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Attar
Personal Data
Birth date : 15/7/1972
Place of birth : Daqahalia
Activities : Installation

- BA of Specific Education (Miet Ghamr) 1995 - Mansoura University
- complementary diploma 1998 - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University
Member of Teachers Syndicate
Places of interest
- Daqahalia
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition at Faculty of Specific Education, Miet Ghamr 1994
- Exhibition ` Competition of Culture palaces of Children` 1994
- Exhibition of Mansoura Culture palace
- 4th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2000
- 12th and 13th Youth Salon 2000,2001
Local recognition
- 3rd prize (Installation) - 13th Youth Salon 2000