Curriculum Vitae
Ashraf Abbass Hussien Al-Hady
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ashraf Abbass Al-Hady
Birth date : 22/2/1968
Place of birth : Luxor
Date of death : //2020
Activities : Graphic - Print
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Graphic Department - Menia University 1993
- MA of Cairo Arts 1998
- PhD of Menia Arts 2005
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Cairo Atelier of Writers and Artists
- Teaching in Faculty of Fine Arts - Menia University
Places of interest
- Menia - Luxor
Solo shows
- At Aswan Culture Palace 1991
- At gallery of Faculty of Fine Arts - Menia 1992
- At Arts gallery 1996
- At Cairo Atelier of Writers and Artists 1997 -1998
Local exhibitions
- 3rd, 4th, 8th, 9th and 11th Youth Salon 1991,1992,1996,1997,1999
- 25th and 26th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1997,1999
- Autumn Salon of Mini Works of Art , Arts Center , Zamalek 1997
- 1st Port Said National Biennale 1992
- 3rd National Graphic exhibition 2005
- Exhibition entitle ` Impressions on paper` at Zamalek gallery 2007
International exhibitions
- Participated in 2nd Egypt International Triennale - 3rd Graphic 1996 -1999
- Cana Jaoa exhibition in Japan 1995 -1997
- Malizia print exhibition 1997
- 3rd Book Biennale 1996
- Graphic Symposium in Canada 1997
- Exhibition of competition in occasion of passing 50 year on establishment the United Nations 1996
- India International Biennale 1997
- Baharat Bahavan Biennale in India 1997
- Tachiellier Triennale , France 1997
-Coush International Biennale in Japan 1999
- Sabaru Biennale , Japan 1998
Local recognition
- 1st prize from inspiration of Sara story of Al-Aqqad 1991
International recognition
- Certificate of Merit from 3rd Warsu Biennale - Polland
- Show prize in Coushy International Biennale - Japan 1998
- State prize of Art Creation in the Egyptian Academy in Rome 1998
- Prize of the distanguished work in Loplen Biennale - Polland 1998
- Encouragement prize in occasion of 200 years on the Egytian French relations 1998
- Acquistion prize in France Triennale of Mini Works 2000
Private collection
- At art lovers in Hungrey - Germany - Japan - Mexico - Italy - Polland - Spain - Bulgaria
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian art
- The Egyptian Opera House