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Curriculum Vitae
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Osama Mohamed Ali Hassan
Personal Data
Birth date : 4/2/1971
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Graphic - Print
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- BA of Art Education - Faculty of Specify Education 1992 - Cairo .
- MA in Art Education - Cairo University 1996-1997 .
- Assistant Instructor in Faculty of Specify Education - Cairo University .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
Local exhibitions
- Participated in all exhibitions of Faculty .
- 4th , 5th and 6th Youth Salon 1992,1993,1994 .
- Participated in all sessions of the Supreme Council of Sports and Youth 1993,1994,1995 .
- Exhibition in Faculty of Agriculture - Cairo University 1994 .
- Celebration exhibition by passing 50 years on establishment United Nations Authority 1995 .
- Exhibition of Alumni League of Institutes and Faculties of Education 1996 .
- Collective exhibition accompanied to Population Conference .
- 2nd Salon of Mini Works of Art 1998 .
International exhibitions
- 3rd Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 1996, 5th 2000 .
- Rome International Biennale of Youth 1999 .
Local and international Who's Who
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon , part 1, prepared by Prof/ Sobhy Al-Sharouny 1994, produced by Fine Arts Sector .
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon , part 2 , prepared by Critic/ Mohamed Hamza 2002, produced by Fine Arts Sector .
Publications and activities
- Book about puppets among series of book produced by the General Authority of Culture Palaces .
- Workshop with German Artist/ Loura Berit 1995 .
- Workshop staged by Artist in Faculty of Specify Education about Human puppets 1996 .
- Workshop of the Human puppets with Children - Ismalia Culture Palace 1998 .
Local recognition
- 3rd prize in Engraving - Competition of the Supreme Council of Sports and Youth 1994 .
- 5th prize in Art works from the Supreme Council of Sports and Youth 1994 .
- Jury prize in 6th Youth Salon 1994 .
- Encouragement prize in Sculpture from the Supreme Council of Sports and Youth 1995 .
- Encouragment prize in Posters design field from the Superem Council of Culture1995.
- Medal of Faculty of Specify Education 1997 .
International recognition
- Encouragement prize in United Nations Competition 1995 .
State collection
- Al-Hanager Center of Arts - Opera House .
- Ismalia Culture Palace .
- The General Authority of Culture Palaces .
- Suzan Mubarak Culture Palace ` Zeinhom District` - Al-Saida Zienab .
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