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Ayman Mohamed Saeed Mustafa
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ayman Khalaf
Birth date : 2/4/1985
Place of birth : Qalioubia
Activities : Painting
Email :,

- BA of Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 2007
- MA in Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 2008-2009
- Member of Syndicate of Fine artists
- Lecturer in Art works and Folk heritage department ( Wood works) section, Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University
Places of interest
- Qalioubia
- Cairo
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition `White and Black` at Horus gallery , Faculty of Art Education, Zamalek 2003
-Painting exhibition in Helwan University 2003
- Exhibition` Textile works` at Horus gallery in Faculty of Art Education , Zamalek 2004
-Painting exhibition in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2005
-Jewelry exhibition in Helwan University 2006
-In the Egyptian museum about the Ancient Egyptian writting 2006
-Lazordi competition in co-operation with the Global Gold council of Jewelry design 2007
Publications and activities
Komax workshop in Faculty of Art Education, Zamalek
- Painting workshop in Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2004
- Art works workshop at Museum of Islamic ceramics , Zamalek 2005
- Releif sculture workshop in the Egyptian Museum 2006
Private collection
- At art lovers in Cairo
- Town House gallery
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