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Nahla Ahmed Hamdy Mahmoud Al-Dieb
Personal Data
Fame Name : Nahla Al-Dieb
Birth date : 28/4/1973
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Batik
Email : ,

- BA of Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education , Alexandria University 1994
- Private diploma from Faculty of Education , Alexandria University 1999/2000
- Private diploma from Faculty of Specify Education ( Department of Art Education - textile) Tanta University 2002/2003
- MA in textile , Faculty of Specify Education - Cairo
- Member of Alexandria Atelier
- Member of the Egyptian association of friends of Alexandria Library
- Assistant instructor in Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education , Alexandria University
Places of interest
- Alexandria
Solo shows
Exhibition (Texitle visions) at Alexandria Atelier , May 2004
-Exhibition ` Specify textitle` at Horus gallery , Faculty of Art Education , February 2005
- Exhibition `Fine visions of the Turkish carpets art` at Sidi Gaber Culture Palace , Alexandria, July 2006
Local exhibitions
- Art exhibition of Faculty of Specify Education at Mahmoud Saeed Center of Museums , Alexandria 2001
- In Faculty of Specify Education, Tanta University 2003
- Exhibition of Alexandrian artists at Nagy gallery , Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace , Alexandria , March 2004,2005
- Exhibition of Mahmoud Saeed Celebration at Mahmoud Saeed Center of Museums and Exhibitions 2005
- Exhibition of 3rd Forum of Al-Thaghr artists at Nagy gallery , Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace , Alexandria , March 2006
- Exhibition of San Gour university in occasion of passing 100 year at Alexandria Creation Center , March 2006
- Exhibition ` Visions from the textile hertiage` , June 2006, Al-Tazawq Palace , Sidi Gaber , Alexandria

International exhibitions

- Supervised on exhibition of Fine Arts, Week of Youth of universities, Mansoura, February 2005
Private collection
-At art lovers in Alexandria
State collection
- Faculty of Specify Education , Tanta University
- Sidi Gaber Culture Palace , Alexandria
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