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Karam Mosaad Ahmed Mohamed Farag
Personal Data
Fame Name : Karam Mosaad
Birth date : 16/11/1974
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Design
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- BA of Faculty of Art Education, Department of Art Education, Helwan University 1997.
- MA in Art Education (Metal works and Jewelry) Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University 2000 .
- Preliminary PhD (Metal works and Jewelry) Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University 2005 .
- Register PhD in Philosophy of Art Education (Metal works and Jewelry), Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University 2006 .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Syndicate of Educational professions
- Jewelry design in Aza Fahmy company of Gold and jewelry from 1997:2002
- Art director in Egypt Gold company from 2002 -2006
- Art consultative in many companies of gold in Egyot from 2006 till now
- Administration manager of Development and researches in EG company of gold and jewelry
Places of interest
- Cairo .
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many exhibitions of company ( Cairo, Alexandria, Tanta, Asuit)
- In Ministry of Labor 1995
- Exhibitions of Helwan University 1994,1995,1996,1997
- 1st Autumn exhibition of Mini works , Arts Center 1997
- 1st Jewelry festival , that organized by Ministry of Culture 2000
- Gold Conucil Defilie , Cairo 2001
- Gold Council Defilie, Alexandria 2001
- 2nd Jewelry festival organized by Ministry of Culture 2006

International exhibitions
- Collective exhibitions of gold in Italy, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , Emirates, Bahrain
- Competition of Jewelry design ( Diamond for fun) , Netherlands 2004
- Competition of Jewelry design ( Jad stone) Hong Kong 2004
- Competition of Jewelry design ( Naight at Opira) Netherlands 2006
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