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Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed al-Beblawy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mahmoud al-Beblawy
Birth date : 21/7/1946
Place of birth : القاهرة
Activities : Painting
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- BA in art and Education- 1969.
- worked at the teachers institutes in Egypt and Libya.
- supervisor and teacher at the Ministry of Defence and Aviation- KSA- 1983- 2003.
Local exhibitions
- Port Said NAtional Biennale- 2007.
- at al-Aarish Culture Palace- 2007.
International recognition
- parizes from the Saudi Ministry of Defence and Aviation.
Private collection
- at Prince\ Turkey Ben Talal Ben abdel- Aziz- KSA.
- Ragehy Establishments and some banks and companies in KSA.
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